

Læknablaðið - 15.04.1994, Blaðsíða 31

Læknablaðið - 15.04.1994, Blaðsíða 31
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1994; 80: 149-153 153 comparable in symptom and clinical parameters. Global assessment of symptoms showed that in the sucralfate group 34 improved (68%), 11 were unchanged and 5 were worse. In the placebo group 31 improved (69%), 11 were unchanged and 3 were worse. There was no statistical difference between the groups. The three week course of sucralfate 1 gm q.i.d. in patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia did not show symptomatic improvement over placebo. HEIMILDIR 1. Jones R, Lyderard SE. Prevalence of symptoms of dyspepsia in the community. Lancet 1989; I: 47-51. 2. Jones R, Lyderard SE, Hobbs FDR, Kenkre JE, Williams EI, Jones SJ. Dyspepsia in England and Scotland. Gut 1990; 31: 401-5. 3. Tibblin G. Introduction to the epidemiology of dyspepsia. Scand J Gastroenterol 1985; 20/Suppl 109: 29-33. 4. Nyren O, Adami HO, Gustafsson S, Lööf L, Nyberg A. Social and economic effects of non ulcer dyspepsia. Scand J Gastroenterol 1985; 20/Suppl 109: 41-5. 5. Veldhuyser van Z, Tyfgat KMAJ, Jalak S, Goodacre RL, Hunt RH. Can gastritis symptoms be evaluated in clinical trials? An overview of treatments of gastritis, non ulcer dyspepsia and camphylobacter-associated gastritis. Clin Gastroenterol 1989; 11: 496-50. 6. Lööf L, Adami HO, Agenas T, Gustafsson S, Nyberg A, Nyren O. The diagnosis and therapy survey October 1978-March 1983, health care consumption and current drug therapy in Sweden with respect to the clinical diagnosis of gastritis. Scand J Gastroenterol 1985; 20/Suppl 109: 35-9. 7. Thors H, Sigurðsson H. Oddsson E, Þjóðleifsson B. Könnun á notkun magasárslyfja meðal Islendinga. Læknablaðið 1994. 80: 3-11. 8. La Broody S. The treatment of non ulcer dyspepsia. In: Wasfell C, Lance P. eds. Cinieditine: The Westminster Hospilal Symposium. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1978: 131-40. 9. Lance P, Filipe Ml, Schiller KFR, Wastell C. Cimetidine for non ulcer dyspepsia (Abstract). Gastroenlerology 1981; 80: 1203. 10. Bendtsen F, Danö P, Guldhammer B, Remvig L, Krogsöe O. Cimetidinebehandling af röntgennegative dyspepsi. Ugeskr Læger 1983; 145: 3090-3. 11. Kelbæk H, Linde J, Eriksen J, Mungaard S, Moesgaard F, Bonnevie O. Controlled clinical trial of treatment with cimetidine for non-ulcer dyspepsia. Acta Med Scand 1985; 217: 281-7. 12. Otthard R, Bodemar G, Brodin U, Jonsson KA. Treatment with cimetidine, antacid or placebo in patients with dyspepsia of unknown origin. Scand J Gastroenterol 1988; 23: 7-18. 13. Delattre M, Malensky M, Prinzie A. Symptomatic treatment of non ulcer dyspepsia with cimetidine. Curr Ther Res 1985; 37: 980-91. 14. Talley NJ, McNeiI D, Hayden A, Piper W. Randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial of cimetidine and pirenzepine in non ulcer dyspepsia. Gastroenterology 1986; 91: 149-56. 15. Saunders JBH, Oliver RJ, Higson DL, et al. Dyspepsia incidence of non ulcer disease in a controlled trial of ranitidine in general practice. Br Med J 1986; 292: 645-8. 16. Nyren O, Adami HO. Bates S, Bergström R, Gustafsson S, Lööf L. Absence of therapeutic benefit from antacids or cimetidine in non-ulcer dyspepsia. N Engl J Med 1986; 314: 339-43. 17. Kairakuoma MI, Hentile R, Alavaikko M, Kellosalo J, Stahlberg M, Jalovaara P. Sucralfate versus placebo in treatment of non-ulcer dyspepsia. Am J Med 1987; 83/Suppl 3B: 51-5. 18. McCarthy DM. Drug therapy: Sucralfate. N Engl J Med 1991; 325: 10Í7-25. 19. Young MJ, Bresnitz EA, Strom BL. Sample size nomograms for interpreting negative clinical studies. Ann Int Med 1983; 99: 248-51. 20. Sonnenberg A. Geographical and temporal variations in the occurrence of peptic ulcer disease. Scand J Gastroenterol 1985; 2/Suppl 110: 11-24. 21. Bonnevie O. Future research, methodological aspects. Scand J Gastroenterol 1987; 22/Suppl 128: 114-6. 22. Oddsson E, Binder V, Thorgeirsson T, Jonasson TA, Gunnlaugsson O, Wulff M. A prospective comparative study of clinical and pathological characteristics in Icelandic and Danish patients with gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and X-ray negative dyspepsia. Scand J Gastroenterol 1978; 13: 489-95. 23. Kristinsson KG, Þjóðleifsson B, Sigvaldadóttir E, Jensson O, Wadström T. Mælingar á mótefnum gegn Helicobacter pylori í Islendingum. Læknablaðið 1992, 78/Fylgirit 21: 60. 24. Tytgat GNJ. Clinical efficacy of sucralfate in refiux oesophagitis. Comparison with cimetitine. Am J Med 1987; 83/Suppl 3B: 38-42. 25. Williams RM, Orlando RC, Bozynski EN, et al. Multicenter trial of sucralfate suspension for the treatment of reflux oesophagitis. Am J Med 1987; 83/Suppl 3B: 61- 6.



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