

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1997, Side 9

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1997, Side 9
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1997; 83 289 Lýsisneysla eykur lifun músa eftir sýkingu með Klebsiella pneumoniae Sigurður Björnsson1), Ingibjörg Harðardóttir2’, Eggert Gunnarsson3), Ásgeir Haraldsson1) Björnsson S, Harðardóttir I, Gunnarsson E, Har- aldsson A Dietary fish-oil supplementation increases survival in mice following Klebsiella pneumoniae infcction Læknablaðið 1997; 83: 289-93 Introduction: Epidemiological studies have shown that high intake of omega-3 fatty acids correlates with low incidence of various diseases such as car- diovascular diseases, asthma, diabetes mellitus and various auto-immune disorders. It may therefore be suggested that omega-3 fatty acids have substantial impact on the immune system. Studies of the effect of omega-3 fatty acids on survival in bacterial in- fections have however been contradicting. A Dutch study from 1991 showed increased survival in mice fed fish-oil following infection with Klebsiella pneu- moniae. Because of the contradicting results the authors conducted a study with the hypothesis that fish-oil intake increases survival after severe Kleb- siella pneumoniae infection. Methods: Thirty mice were fed fish-oil enriched diet (10%), olive-oil enriched diet (10%) or standard chow diet. After six weeks the mice were injected intramuscularly with l.óxlO2 cfu of Klebsiella pneu- moniae. The survival was measured at regular time intervals for 120 hours. Results: After 56 hours, 93% of the mice fed fish-oil were alive and 68% and 40% of the mice fed olive- Frá '’Barnaspítala Hringsins Landspítalanum, 2|Raunvís- indastofnun Háskóla Islands, 3)Tilraunastöð Háskóla l’s- lands í meinafræði að Keldum. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Ásgeir Haraldsson, Barnaspítala Hringsins, Landspítalan- um, 101 Reykjavík; sími: 5601050; bréfsími: 560 1055; net- fang: asgeir@rsp.is Lykilorð: lýsi, lifun, sýkingar, mýs. oil and standard chow respectively. The overall sur- vival after 120 hours was 40% in the fish-oil group, 25% in the olive-oil group and 20% in the standard group. The survival after 120 hours of the mice fed the fish-oil enriched diet was significantly better when compared to the two other groups (p=0.0034). Discussion: We conclude that fish-oil enriched diet increases survival of NMRI mice following infection with Klebsiella pneumoniae when compared to ol- ive-oil supplementation or standard chaw. We therefore conclude that the difference in survival is probably based on the effect of omega-3 fatty acid on the immune system. The immunological pathway is still unknown and our results encourage further studies. Key words: fish-oil, survival, infection, mice, omega-3 fatty acid. Ágrip Inngangur: Faraldsfræðilegar rannsóknir hafa bent til þess að neysla lýsis, og þá fyrst og fremst ómega-3 fitusýra, verndi gegn ýmsum sjúkdómum til dæmis hjarta- og æðasjúkdóm- um, astma, sykursýki og ýmsum sjálfnæmis- sjúkdómum. Því er líklegt að ómega-3 fitusýrur hafi víðtæk áhrif á stýringu ónæmiskerfisins. Rannsóknir á áhrifum ómega-3 fitusýra á lifun í alvarlegum bakteríusýkingum hafa gefið mis- munandi niðurstöður. Hollensk rannsókn frá 1991 sýndi aukna lifun músa á lýsisbættu fæði í alvarlegum bakteríusýkingum. Vegna þess að niðurstöður hafa verið mismunandi var frekari rannsókna þörf og í þessari rannsókn var sett fram sama tilgáta og í hollensku rannsókninni, að lýsisneysla væri verndandi í alvarlegum Klebsiella pneumoniae bakteríusýkingum. Aðferðir: Sett var upp dýratilraun þar sem



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