

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1997, Page 25

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1997, Page 25
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1997; 83 303 Brunaslys barna á íslandi Innlagnir á árunum 1982-1995 Ragnheiöur Elísdóttir1’, Pétur Lúðvígsson1’, Ólafur Einarsson2’, Siguröur Þorgrímsson11, Ásgeir Har- aldsson1* Elísdóttir R, Lúðvígsson P, Einarsson Ó, Þorgríms- son S, Haraldsson A Burn injuries in children in Iceland betwecn 1982- 1995 Læknablaðið 1997; 83: 303-8 Objective: To increase our knowledge of burn injuries in children in Iceland and to induce education and prevention in order to reduce the incidence of burn injuries among children. Material and methods: Data was collected from hospital records of all children 15 years and younger admitted with burn injuries to the University Hospital of Iceland, Paediatric Department, from 1982-1995. Results: There were 290 children admitted, 179 boys and 111 girls, sex ratio 1.6. Children four years and younger were 72.8%. Approxima- tely 21 children were admitted annually. Sea- sonal variation was noted with most admitt- ances in December. The times when the injur- ies occurred peaked at lunch and dinner times. Scalds was most common, hot water caused 45.8% of the burn injuries, most frequently due to bathwater (15.2%). Hot liquids caused 26.9%, most often caused by coffee-, tea- and Frá "Barnaspítala Hringsins, Landspítalanum, 2,lýtalækn- ingadeild Landspitalans. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Ásgeir Haraldsson, Barnaspítala Hringsins, Landspítalanum, 101 Reykjavík, sími: 560 1050 / 560 1051; bréfsími: 560 1055; netfang: asgeir@rsp.is Lykllorð: börn, brunaslys, heitt vatn, heimili. cacao drinks (19.3%). Flames caused 12.4% of the burn injuries, fireworks 5.5% and hot object 5.2%. Most of these accidents occurred at home (81.4%). Conclusion: Children four years and younger are most susceptible for burn injuries. Hot water and liquids caused most of these burn injuries. Burn injuries are common in child- hood. Our data provide basis for better prevention. Keywords: children, burn injuries, hot water, home. Ágrip Tilgangur: Að auka þekkingu á brunaslys- um barna á íslandi sem leitt hafa til innlagnar á sjúkrahús og stuðla þannig að aukinni fræðslu og forvörnum svo draga megi úr brunaslysum. Efniviður og aðferðir: Skoðaðar voru sjúkraskrár allra barna 15 ára og yngri sem lögðust inn á Barnaspítala Hringsins, Land- spítalanum, á árunum 1982-1995 vegna bruna- slysa. Öll alvarleg brunaslys eru lögð inn á Barnaspítala Hringsins. Niðurstöður: A Barnaspítala Hringsins lögðust inn 290 börn með húðbruna. Drengir voru 179 og stúlkur 111, kynjahlutfallið 1,6. Börn fjögurra ára og yngri voru 72,8% alls hópsins. Að meðaltali lagðist inn tæplega 21 barn á ári. Flest lögðust inn í desember. Oftast verða slysin á hádegis- og kvöldverðartímum. Algengasti brunavaldurinn er heitt vatn (45,2%) og eru þau slys flest vegna baðvatns (15,2%). Næst algengasti brunavaldurinn eru aðrir heitir vökvar (26,9%) og eru kakó-, te og kaffidrykkir algengastir (19,3%). Þriðji al- gengasti brunavaldurinn er eldur (12,4%) þá



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