Árbók skálda - 01.12.1958, Side 47

Árbók skálda - 01.12.1958, Side 47
Matthías Johannessen: Bréj til Arbókar AÖ smíða úr ejni svo í stuðlum staiuli ei stór er list, þó margur dáist að; en skapa efni er öllu meiri vandi og enginn nema skáldið getur það. Þorskabítur Ágætu vinir, Kristján og Ragnar. Ég þakka bréf ykkar. Það er alltaf fallega gert að kasta bjarghring til drukknandi manns. En þið miklið fyrir ykkur hættuna. Ég er ekki svo ritfær að ég þori að ræða efni bréfs ykkar, þegar því hefur verið svarað af öðrum eins snillingi og Nóbelsskáldinu T. S. Eliot. I grein sinni „The Social Function of Poetry“ segir liann m. a.: „Tt matters little whether a poet had a large audience in his own time. What matters is that there should ahvays be at least a small audience for him in every generation. Yet what I have just said suggests that his importance is for his own time, or that dead poets cease to be of any nse to us unless we have living poets as well. I would even press my first point and say that. if a poet gets a large audience veru quikly, that is a rather suspicious circumstance: for it leads us to fear that he is not really doing anything new, that he is only giving people wliat they are already used to, and therefore what they have already had from the poets of the previous generation. But that a poet should have the right, small audience in his own time is important. There shonkl always be a small vanguard of people, appreciative of poetry, who are independent and somewhat in advance of their time or ready to assimilate novelty more quickly. The development of culture does not mean bringing everybody up to the front, whieh amounts to no more than making everyone keep step: it means the maintenance of such an élite, with the main, and more passive body of readers not lagging more than a generation or so behind. The changes and developments of sensibility which appear first in a few will work themselves into the language grad- uallv, through their influence on other, and more readily popular authors; and by the time they liave become well established, a new advance will be called for.“ Hér er spurningunni í bréfi ykkar svarað og ég sé ekki betur en við getum allir verið rólegir og ókvíðnir. Ég geri ráð fyrir því að þið liafið sent mér bréf ykkar vegna þess að ég hef skrifað nokkur kvæði. Það er rétt. Þó fæ ég sennilega aldrei að vita, hvernig á því stendur. Stundum hefur mér dottið í hug að ég yrki ljóð mín til að stríða gömlum skáldum sem halda að þau hafi sagt allt sem


Árbók skálda

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