

Læknablaðið - 15.01.2013, Qupperneq 23

Læknablaðið - 15.01.2013, Qupperneq 23
RANNSÓKN ENGLISH SUMMARY Diet of six-year-old lcelandic children - National dietary survey 2011-2012 Gunnarsdottir I, Helgadottir H, Thorisdottir B, Thorsdottir I Aim: Knowledge of dietary habits makes the basis for pubiic nutrition policy. The aim of this study was to assess dietary intake of lcelandic six-year-olds. Material and methods: Subjects were randomly selected six-year-old children (n=162). Dietary intake was assessed by three-day-weighed food records. Food and nutrient intake was compared with the lcelandic food based dietary guidelines (FBDG) and recommended intake of vitamins and minerals. Results: Fruit and vegetable intake was on average 275±164 g/d, and less than 20% of the subjects consumed a400 g/day. Fish and cod liver oil intake was in line with the FBDG among approximately 25% of subjects. Most subjects (87%) consumed at least two portions of dairy products daily. Food with relatively low nutrient density (cakes, cookies, sugar sweetened drinks, sweets and ice-cream) provided up to 25% of total energy intake. The contribution of saturated fatty acids to total energy intake was 14.1%. Less than 20% of the children consumed diet- ary fibers in line with recommendations, and for saturated fat and salt only 5% consumed less than the recommended upper limits. Average intake of most vitamins and minerals, apart from vitamin-D, was higher than the recommended intake. Conclusion: Although the vitamin and mineral density of the diet seems adequate, with the exception of vitamin-D, the contribution of low energy density food to total energy intake is high. Intake of vegetables, fruits, fish and cod liver oil is not in line with public recommendations. Strate- gies aiming at improving diet of young children are needed. Key words: Childnutrition sciences, food habits, nutrition policy, child, diet surveys, nutritive value. Correspondence: Ingibjorg Gunnarsdottir, ingigun@hi.is Unit for Nutrition Research, Faculty ofFood Science and Nutrition, University of lceland & Landspítali The National University Hospital of lceland. LÆKNAblaðið 2013/99 23



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