

Læknablaðið - 01.01.2014, Blaðsíða 33

Læknablaðið - 01.01.2014, Blaðsíða 33
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ENGLISH SUMMARY introduction: obesity is one of the greatest public health challenges world wide and its prevalence has increased during the past 20-30 years. obesity is related to physical and mental health and increased mortality. There are few evidence-based treatment options for the obese available in Iceland. Material and methods: The purpose of this pilot study was to develop a 15 week group program based on Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Appetite Awareness Training for young obese women. The participants were randomly allocated to two groups, A and B, in a convenience sample of 20 women, aged 19-44 with a BMI 30-39.9 kg/m². Group A attended the program while group B served as a control in a crossover design where group B subsequently participated in the program. The effectiveness of the program was evaluated before, during and at the end of the program and at six and twelve month follow-up. Information was collected on body weight, BMI, body fat and body fat mass, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein and 25(oH) D, quality of life (SF-36 and oP scale), symptoms of depression (BDI-II) and anxiety (BAI). Additionally participants completed a questionnaire on demographics and their view on participating in the program was assessed. Results: Participants reduced their weight (P=0.001), BMI (P=0.001), body fat (P=0.010), body fat mass (P=0.002), diastolic blood pressure (P=0.005) and vitamin D status improved (P=0.008). Symptoms of depression and anxiety decreased (P<0.001 and P<0.004). Quality of life measured with oP scale improved (P=0.006) and the mental component summary (MCS) (P=0.012) of the SF-36 scale. The mean weight loss was 3.7 kg following intervention which was maintained at follow up. Conclusion: „The enjoy eating“ program is a promising health promo- tion approach in the health care sector for obese women to improve mental health, quality of life and loose weight. The effectiveness of the treatment program „Enjoy eating“ on health and mood in obese women Larusdottir H, Saevarsdottir H, Steingrimsdottir L, Gudmundsson L, Arnarson Eo Correspondence: Eiríkur Örn Arnarson, eirikur@lsh.is key words: Obesity, cognitive behavior therapy, appetite awareness training, program, mood. ¹University of Iceland 2Landspitali University Hospital 3Primary Health Care of the Capital Area 4 Unit for Nutrition Research 5Reykjalundur Rehabilitation Centre
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