Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.2007, Side 166
4 Aries 1994; Tarlow 1999; Davies 1999; Daniel 1998.
5 Kristján Eldjárn, 2000
6 Bjarni F. Einarsson 1994.
7 “...[W]eapons are seen as related to male graves and most jewelry is associated with
female graves. One or two beads may occur in a male grave, but more than three beads
are regarded as indicating women’s graves. Tools and utensils may be sex neutral or in
certain periods may indicate sex.” (Gräslund 2001:90)
8 Gräslund 2001.
9 Stalsburg 2001.
10 Í þeim prósentutölum sem hér koma fram er ekki innifalin nýlega fundin gröf með
meira en 400 sörvistölum, sjá kaflann um niðurstöður.
11 Stalsberg 2001.
12 Hall 1994; Clover 1988.
13 Nelson 1997.
14 Arnold 2001; Gero & Conkey 1985.
15 Guðni Jónsson 1986; Jochens 1995; Jacobsen 1978.
16 Þór Magnússon 1967, 28.
17 Elín Hreiðarsdóttir, munnlegar upplýsingar, 2004.
Arnold, Bettina og Nancy L. Wicker (ritstj.) 2001. Gender and the Archaeology of Death.
AltaMira Press, Oxford.
Chapman, Robert og Klavs Randsborg 1981. “Approaches to the archaeology of death.”
The Archaeology of Death, ritstj. R. Chapman, Ian Kinnes og Klavs Randsborg, bls. 1-24.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Clover, Carol J. 1988. “The Politics of Scarcity: Notes on the Sex Ratio in Early
Scandinavia.” Scandinavian Studies 60 (1988): 147-188.
Crass, Barbara A. 2001. “Gender and Mortuary Analysis: What Can Grave Goods Really
Tell Us?” Gender and the Archaeology of Death, ritstj. Bettina Arnold & Nancy L. Wicker,
bls. 105-118. AltaMira Press, Oxford.
Dommasnes, Liv Helga 1998. “Women, Kinship, and the Basis of Power in the Norwegian
Viking Age.” Reader in Gender Archaeology, ritstj. Kelley Hays-Gilpin og David S.
Whitley. Routledge, London.
Gero, Joan og Margaret Conkey 1991. Engendering Archaeology: Women and Prehistry. Basil
Blackwell, Oxford.
Gilchrist, Roberta 1999. Gender and Archaeology: Contesting the Past. Routledge, New York.
Gräslund, Anne-Sofie 2001. “The Position of Iron Age Scandinavian Women: Evidence
from Graves and Rune Stones.” Gender and the Archaeology of Death, ritstj. Bettina
Arnold og Nancy L. Wicker, bls. 81-104. AltaMira Press, Oxford.
Guðni Jónsson (ritstj.) 1986. Landssaga og landnám. I. 12 bindi. Íslendingasagnaútgáfan,
Hall, Richard 1994. Book of Viking Age York. B.T. Batsford Ltd/English Heritage, London.
Härke, Heinrich 1997a. ”The Nature of Burial Data.” Burial & Society. The Chronological
and Social Analysis of Archaeological Burial Data, ritstj. Claus Kjeld Jensen og Karen
Høilund Nielsen, bls. 19-28. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus.
- 1997b. “Final Comments: Ritual, Symbolism and Social Inference.” Burial & Society. The