Orð og tunga - 01.06.2012, Side 26
Orð og tunga
ces surveyed here is that they are manually constructed. This places
an enormous burden on project resources in terms of time, money
and manpower. For a small community such as Iceland, this is a criti-
cal issue (Rögnvaldsson et al. 2009). In this respect, the two Icelandic
projects differ in approach but both provide reason for cautious opti-
mism. Jón Hilmar Jónsson's Islenskt orðanet adopts a manual metho-
dology and yet despite the practical constraints that this imposes has
achieved impressive progress in developing a monolingual sense-
oriented resource for Icelandic; Anna Björk Nikulásdóttir's Islenskur
merkingarbrunnur is developing a variety of semi-automatic methods
to extract lexical semantic relations from text corpora, which is cur-
rently showing promising results. It is to be hoped that the contrasting
methodologies (semi-automatic and manual) will prove to be com-
plementary and allow the two projects to collaborate effectively in the
development of robust lexical semantic resources for Icelandic.
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