Orð og tunga - 01.06.2012, Síða 74
Orð og tunga
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The paper describes an ongoing lexicographic project, lsleuskt ordauet (Icelandic
wordnet), which aims to analyse and describe the Icelandic vocabulary and its inter-
nal semantic relations on the basis of syntactic and morphological relations in word
combinations and compounds. A comprehensive description of Icelandic phrasemes,
vvhich has been published in three phraseological dictionaries, together with a big
collection of nevvspaper texts, provides the main material for the lexicographic analy-
sis. Disambiguation and lemmatisation af multi-vvord lexical units plays a central
role in the construction of the wordnet. The multi-word lemmas are grammatically
tagged, vvhich enables grammatical sorting and an interaction betvveen semantic and
grammatical features. Tlie wordnet combines the functions of a synonym and a con-
cept dictionary, paying special attention to measuring semantic relatedness between
synonyms and near-synonyms on the basis of paratactic word-pairs. The product