Orð og tunga - 01.06.2012, Síða 74

Orð og tunga - 01.06.2012, Síða 74
64 Orð og tunga Dönsk-íslensk orðabók. 1992. Ritstjórar: Hrefna Arnalds og Ingibjörg Johanne- sen. Reykjavík: Isafoldarprentsmiðja. Ensk-íslcnska orðabókin. 2006. Jón Skaptason, ritstjóri. Reykjavík: JPV útgáfa. lslcnskt orðanet: www.ordanet.is. Islenskt textasafn: http://arnastofnun.is/page/arnastofnun_gagnasafn_texta- safn. Jón Hilmar Jónsson. 2001. Orðastaður. Orðabók um íslenska málnotkun. Önnur útgáfa, aukin og endurskoðuð. Reykjavík: JPV útgáfa. Jón Hilmar Jónsson. 2002. Orðaheimur. Islenskhugtakaorðabók með orða- og orða- sambandaskrá. Reykjavík: JPV útgáfa. Jón Hilmar Jónsson. 2005. Stóra orðabókin um íslenska málnotkun. Reykjavík: JPV útgáfa. Jón Hilmar Jónsson. 2009a: Lexical description. An onomasiological approach on the basis of phraseology. I: Sandro Nielsen & Sven Tarp (ritstj.). Lexi- cography in thellst Century. In honour ofHenning Bergenlwltz, bls. 257-280. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Jón Hilmar Jónsson. 2009b. Lemmatisation of Multi-word Lexical Units: Mo- tivation and Benefits. I: Henning Bergenholtz, Sandro Nielsen & Sven Tarp (ritstj.): Lexicography at a Crossroads, bls. 165-194. Bern: Peter Lang. Orðasambandaskrá Orðabókar Háskólans: www.lexis.hi.is/osamb/osamb.pl Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. 1988. London: Penguin Books. Trap-Jensen, Lars. 2008. Tilgangs- og henvisningsstruktur i digitale ordboger. Overvejelser baseret pá ordnet.dk. Nordiske studier i leksikografi 9. Rapport fra konference om leksikografi i Norden, Akureyri 22.-26. maj 2007, bls. 447-464. Reykjavík. Whelpton, Matthew. 2012. From human-oriented dictionaries to computer- oriented lexical resources - trying to pin down words. (Þetta hefti.) Þórdís Ulfarsdóttir. 2006. Málfræðileg mörkun orðasambanda. Orð og tunga 8: 117-144. Tímarit.is: http://timarit.is Abstract The paper describes an ongoing lexicographic project, lsleuskt ordauet (Icelandic wordnet), which aims to analyse and describe the Icelandic vocabulary and its inter- nal semantic relations on the basis of syntactic and morphological relations in word combinations and compounds. A comprehensive description of Icelandic phrasemes, vvhich has been published in three phraseological dictionaries, together with a big collection of nevvspaper texts, provides the main material for the lexicographic analy- sis. Disambiguation and lemmatisation af multi-vvord lexical units plays a central role in the construction of the wordnet. The multi-word lemmas are grammatically tagged, vvhich enables grammatical sorting and an interaction betvveen semantic and grammatical features. Tlie wordnet combines the functions of a synonym and a con- cept dictionary, paying special attention to measuring semantic relatedness between synonyms and near-synonyms on the basis of paratactic word-pairs. The product
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