Fréttablaðið - 22.08.2020, Blaðsíða 39

Fréttablaðið - 22.08.2020, Blaðsíða 39
SNILLINGUR Í MARKAÐSMÁLUM Við óskum eftir liðsauka í að efla markaðsdeild fyrirtækisins auk þess sem viðkomandi mun taka að sér önnur tengd spennandi verkefni hérlendis og erlendis. Hæfniskröfur eru: - Góð reynsla af markaðsmálum - Menntun á háskólasviði sem nýtist í starfinu - Framúrskarandi tölvuþekking Lindex rekur um 500 verslanir í 16 löndum en Lindex á Íslandi er ölskyldufyrirtæki stofnað 2011 og rekur verslanir í Kringlunni, Smáralind, Glerártorgi Akureyri, Akranesi, Keflavík og opnar nú verslun á Egilsstöðum auk þess að reka netverslun á Umsóknir ásamt ferilskrá berist á merktar ,,Snillingur í markaðsmálum”. Umsóknarfrestur er til og með 31. ágúst n.k. QUALIFICATION & EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: FUNCTION & RESPONSIBILITIES: Production Team Member IS THIS YOUR DREAM JOB? Nox Medical is looking for team members into our manufacturing and logistics team, reporting to the Director of Manufacturing and supply. We are looking for quality minded people, with good knowledge of either logistics or manufacturing and interest in technical parts and components. Deadline for applications is up to and including August 30th, 2020. All inquiries and applications will be replied to and treated with full confidentiality. APPLICATIONS Applications and resumé should be sent to More information can be found on Nox Medical | Katrínartún 2 | 105 Reykjavík | 570 7170 | | The Production Team Member performs manufacturing and quality related tasks, tests and assembles Nox Medical‘s sleep diagnostic systems. Performs incoming quality inspection on purchased products and components used in the manufacturing processes according to internal procedures Performs quality tests of products and components in production Performs manufacturing tasks consisting of assembly, labelling, kitting and packaging ›› ›› ›› Experience in manufacturing Quality oriented and able to focus on production tasks Education pertaining to the role Good Icelandic and English language skills, both written and oral A good eye for numbers and details A suitable knowledge in various software used for manufacturing (Word, Excel, Navision etc.) Teamwork oriented ›› ›› ›› ›› ›› ›› ›› FUNCTION & RESPONSIBILITIES: Purchasing Coordinator The Purchasing Coordinator will handle all purchasing tasks as well as incoming inspection for Nox Medical. The Purchasing Coordinator ensures that the flow of products into stock is efficient and reliable. Handles all purchasing tasks for Nox Medical Coordinates shipping to Nox Medical from suppliers Monitors stock level for all parts Performs various purchasing related quality tasks Performs incoming quality inspection on purchased products and components used in the manufacturing processes according to internal procedures ›› ›› ›› ›› ›› QUALIFICATION & EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: Experience in logistics and purchasing Technical or business education Good Icelandic and English language skills, both written and oral A good eye for numbers and details A suitable knowledge in various software used for manufacturing (Word, Excel, Navision etc.) Teamwork oriented ›› ›› ›› ›› ›› ››
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