Editiones Arnamagnæanæ. Series B - 01.06.1960, Síða 11
AM 9, fol., written by séra Jón Erlendsson of
Villingaholt in Elói, d. 1672. Árni Magnússon bought
the manuscript from the sýslumaður Jón Þorláksson,
and it may he surmised that it was writteri for Bryn j -
ólfur Sveinsson, bishop of Skálholt (as many of Jón
Erlendsson’s manuscripts seem to have been), and
that Jón Þorláksson received it from his brother
Þórður Þorláksson, who succeeded Brynjólfur Sveins-
son at Skálholt. 9 is a copy of another manuscript
written by Jón Erlendsson, namely AM 12b, fol.,
but as 12b is now fragmentary, and the differences
between the two manuscripts are shght (they are fully
treated in Bibl. Arnam. XXIV), it is possible in practice
to lay 12h aside and use 9 throughout as a primary
AM 109a, 8vo. This manuscript consists of three
originally separate parts, the second of which, ff. 143-
257, contains Hrólfs saga kraka and other sagas, all
in the hand of Brynjólfur Jónsson of Efstaland. The
copying of Hrólfs saga kraka was finished on May lst,
Sth. Papp. 4to nr 17. The gatherings containing
Hrólfs saga kraka in this manuscript were finished
on August 6th, 1668, and are one of three unconnected
parts of the manuscript which were written by Brynj -
ólfur Jónsson of Efstaland. Other parts were written
by an unidentified hand and by séra Þorlákur Sigfús-
son of Glæsibær in Kræklingahlíð, who put the manu-
script together in its present f orm. It has been supposed
that the manuscript came to Sweden through Guð-
mundur Ólafsson, the translator employed by An-
tikvitetskollegiet in Stockholm from 1681 to 1695.
AM 11, fol., written by Jón Gissursson of Núpur
in Dýrafjörður. The first and last leaves have been
added by someone working for Árni Magnússon (Þórð-
ur Þórðarson, according to K. Kálund), who took