AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2001, Blaðsíða 65

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2001, Blaðsíða 65
e n g i s h s u m m a r y In this issue of AVS, the focus is on edu- cation in lceland at university level. The first university in lceland was established in 1911 on the ground floor of the Parliament House in the centre of Reykjavik. With greater emphasis on higher education universities have sprung up in most parts of the country. This issue gives an overview of some of these universities and their aspirations. PAGE 7: ICELANDIC UNIVERSITIES In his editorial, Gestur Ólafsson dis- cusses the importance of the total uni- versity environment and the part it can play in offering a dynamic evolving knowledge support for the community. To be able to offer this important service universities must be goal oriented, com- petitive, open to outside influences and offer students, staff and the general pub- lic the best possible working, living and social environment. PAGE 8: SCIENCE PARK BY THE UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND A proposal has recently been put for- ward to build a Science Park on the site of The University of lceland in close proximity to the university buildings and the centre of Reykjavík. The intended “park “ area will be more than 70,000 m2 with buildings totalling 50,000 m2. The University of lceland is by far the largest research university of the country and it is intended that the Science Park will provide young scholars with exciting, modern urban environment. PAGE 10: DETAIL PLAN FOR THE TEACHERS UNIVERSITY AND THE SEAMEN'S COLLEGE Here Ormar Þ. Guðmundsson describes his detail plan for the Teachers' University and the Seamen's College in Reykjavík prepared in collaboration between the colleges and the Ministry of Education. The main objective was to create a unified educational area with common social facilities and to encour- age co-operation between the colleges. A main north/south pedestrian spine connects individual buildings. PAGE 13: THE TEACHERS' UNIVER- SITY MEETS THE FUTURE The Teachers' University is the second largest university in lceland. The author traces the development of the University and describes the latest building to be built. In this building special emphasis was put on flexibility and computer- and communications technology. PAGE 17: THE UNIVERSITY OF AKUREYRI The University of Akureyri was estab- lished in 1995 and during the first year only 30 students were enlisted. By 1998 this number had grown to 530. In a com- petition in 1995 for the future deveiop- ment of the university the office of Gláma/Kím won the first price. The author describes the proposal and the first phases of the development. PAGE 23: THE UNIVERSITY VILLAGE AT BIFRÖST The dean of the university describes the University Village at Bifröst where 400 people live and work and whose number could increase to 600 during the next two years. The emphasis is on preparing students for playing a leading role in an increasingly competitive national and international environment. PAGE 25: A NEW PLAN FOR BIFRÖST The plan for Bifröst was prepared in 1999-2000 and approved at the begin- ning of 2001. All students and teachers live and work on the campus which is situated on a lava field and contributes to the unique environment of the area. PAGE 27: LANDSCAPE DESIGN AT BIFRÖST At Bifröst people commute on foot and the pedestrian network is therefore very important and vehicles and pedestrians are completely separated. Facilities for bathing and sunbathing are linked to the paths. PAGE 28: A NEW BUILDING AT BIFRÖST The authors describe a new building that they have designed at Bifröst connecting some existing buildings. The building is made of in-situ concrete, insulated on the outside and clad in corrugated cop- per. PAGE 30: THE COLLEGE AT HÓLAR The first college at Hólar was founded in 1106 and for many centuries Holar was an important seat of learning. During the Middle Ages Hólar was one of the largest villages in lceland with between 300 to 400 inhabitants but in 1800 the college was closed to be re-opend as a farming college in 1882. Today the college spe- cialises in subjects like fish farming, horse breeding and ecotourism. Hólar is one of the largest public research insti- tutes outside the Capital Area. PAGE 34: REYKJAVÍK UNIVERSITY Reykjavík University was established in 1988, based on the Computing University of the Business College of lceland which in turn was founded in 1988. The University is the workplace of almost 1000 students and staff. PAGE 36: THE DESIGN FACULTY OF THE ICELANDIC UNIVERSITY OF ART Last year a new Design Faculty was established at the lcelandic University of Art. To begin with the main fields of study are product design and graphic design but the first course in lceland in architec- ture will be added this year. PAGE 39: THE TECHNICAL COLLEGE OF ICELAND The Technical College of lceland was founded in 1964 with the objective to offer people with previous technical edu- cation the possibility of further study at 63
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AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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