Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 2022, Side 72
Violence against staff at mental health services at Landspitali
Mental health professionals is exposed to violence
at work. Violence has some consequences for most
victims. This study shows the extent of this problem
at Landspítali mental health services.
An electronic questionnaire was e-mailed to all
mental health professionals at Landspítali. They
were asked whether they had experienced violence
in the last 12 months, who caused the violence,
what the consequences were immediately or soon
after and how they felt at work. Demographic
information were also gathered about the
participants and their association with other
variables in the research.
The results show that mental health staff at
Landspítali are exposed to violence at work, as are
staff in mental health services abroad. Management
of violence is important part of the working
environment in mental health services.
Violence against staff at mental
health services at Landspitali
- The National University Hospital
of Iceland
Violence, perpetrator and victims of violence,
consequences of violence, job enjoyment.
Snorrason, J., Sigurdsson, J.F.
226 of the mental health staff responded to the
questionnaire or 36.1% of those employed at
Landspítali mental health services at the time.
23.5% of the participants said they had experienced
physical violence in the last 12 months, 60.4%
verbal violence and 18.9% sexual violence.