
Læknaneminn - 01.04.1986, Síða 50

Læknaneminn - 01.04.1986, Síða 50
64. Thormar, H., Barshatzky, M.R., Arnesen. K. and Kozlowski, P.B. The emergence of antigenic variants is a rare event in long-term visna vi- rus infection in vivo. J. Gen. Virol. 64: 1427-1432 (1983). 65. Traugott, U., Rheinherz, E.L. and Raine, C.S. Multiple sclerosis: Dis- tribution of t cell subsets within ac- tive chronic lesions. Science 219: 308-310 (1983). 66. Traugott, U., Rheinherz, E.L. and Raine, C.S. Multiple sclerosis: distri- bution of' T cells, T cell subsets and la-positive macrophages in lesions of different ages. J. Neuroimmunol. 4: 201 (1983). 67. Trowbridge, R.S. Long-term visna virus infection of sheep choroid plex- us cells: initiation and preliminary characterization of the carrier cul- tures. Infect. Immun. //; 862-868 (1975). 68. Watanabe, R., Wege, R. and ter Meulcn, V. Adoptive transfer of EAE-like lesions from rats with coronavirus-induced demyelinating encephalomyelitis. Nature 305: 150- 153 (1983). 69. Whitaker, J.N. Myelin encephalito- genic protein fragments in cerebro- spinal fluid of persons with multiple sclerosis. Neurology 27: 911-920 (1977). 70. Wisniewski, H.. Rttine, C.S. and Kay, W.J. Observations on viral demyelinating encephalomyelitis: canine distemper. Lab. Invest. 26: 589 (1972). 71. Wisniewski, H.M. and Bloom, B.R. Primary demyelination as a nonspe- cific consequence of a cellmédiated immune reaction. .1. Exp. Med. 141: 346-359 (19751. 72. ZuRhein. g.M. Association of pa- pova-virions with a human demye- linating disease (progressive multifo- cal leucoencephalopathy). Prog. Med. Virol. II: 185-247 (1969). EftirtaJdir aðilar hafa stijrkt útgáfu blaðsins og eru þeim fœrðar bestu þakkir fgrir. MIÐVOGUR SF LYFJABÚÐ BREIÐHOLTS Pósthólf 4332 Arnarbakka 4-6 104 Reykjavík Reykjavík Sími 33313 Símar 73390 og 73450 HAFNARFJARÐAR APÓTEK LYFJABÚÐIN IÐUNN Strandgötu 34 Laugavegi 40a Hafnarfirði Símar 51600 og 50090 Símar 21145 og 11911 BÚNAÐARBANKI Austurstræti 5 Reykjavík Sími 25600 ÍSLANDS 48 LÆKNANEMINN Vms- '/i986- 38.-39. árg.
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