Læknaneminn - 01.10.1989, Side 56

Læknaneminn - 01.10.1989, Side 56
SPURNJNGAKVER IUAT-LD UM REYKINGAVENJUR OG VIÐHORF 1. Sox. 2. Agc 3. Bcfore you attendod university werc did you live? (city, suburb, town, villago). 4. Have you ever smokcd? (yes, no (if no go to question 9)). 5. Have you ever smoked daily for six months or more? (yes, no). 6. Do you smoke daily, occasionally or not at ali? (if not at a 11 go to question 9). 7. Please write thc number of items you usually smoke per day (manufacturod cigarettes filtor tiped, manufactured cigarettes filterless, handrolled cigarettes, pipefuls of tobacco, cigars/choroots). 8. Havo you cvcr madc a scrious attcmpt to stop smoking? (yes, no). 9. What do you think your smokng habits wil) bc five years from now? (will most cortainly smoko daily, will probably daily, will probably not smokc daily, will most cortainly not smokc daily). 10. How do you porsonally assoss tho importanco of the following rcasons for not smoking yourself? Chcck the appropriate of following itcms: high, modorato, low, nono. Occurrencc of ccrtain symptoms. To set a good example for health workors. Not to create discomfort in people nearby. To save money. To set a good example for adults in your social environment. To set a good oxample for children. To set a good examplo for paticnts. To comply with pressure from professional colleagues not to smoke. To protect your health. Self- discipline. 11. Do you think smoking is harmful for your health? Strongly agree, mildly agreo, no opinon / don’t know, mildly disagree, strongly disagree. 12. For cach of thc discascs listod bolow, plcase indicatc whether you think that cigaretto smoking is a major cause, a contributing causo, is associated with, or has no association with the disoaso or condition: Bladdor cancor, coronary artory disoaso, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, oral cancor, pulmonary omphysoma, laryngoal cancer, poriphoral vascular disease, loukoplagia (mouth/lip), any aoft tissuo lesion (mouth/lip), noo-natal doath. 13. In thc following situations would you as a future doctor adviso pationts against smoking: (Ofton, sometimos, soldom, ncvcr): Whcn paticnts havo symptoms/confirmcd diagnosis of smoking- relatod disuasos. Whon tho patíont himsolf raiscs the question about smoking. When a paticnt is a smokcr who has no symptoms/diagnosis of smoking-rolatod disoase and does not himsclf raise thc qucstion of smoking. 14. Please indicate the oxtent to which you agree or disagree whith each of the following statemonts: (Strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree or disagroo, strongly disagree). It is the doctor’s responsibility to convince people to stop smoking. Most smokers could stop if they wanted to. It is annoying to be near a person who is smoking. Doctors should set good example by not smoking. Most people will not give up smoking even if their doctor tells thcm to. Doctors should be more active than they have been in speaking to lay groups about smoking. Doctors would be more likely to advise people to quit smoking if they know of a good approach that roally worked. Your current knowledgc is sufficient as a basis for counselling patients who want to stop smoking. At overy contact with a patient, where it would bc natural to do so, you should dissuadc him from smoking. 15. A numbor of opinions have boon oxprossed about how to reduco smoking through legislativc action. Would you agree or disagree with tho following opinions?: (Strongly agroo, somewhat agree, ncithcr agrce or disagrec, somewhat disagree, strongly disagrec). Thero should bo a hoalth warning on cigaretto packages. There should bc a complcte ban on tho avcrtising of tobacco. Smoking in closod public placos should be rostriced. The price of tobacco products should be increased sharply. Thc salc of tobacco to children should be complotely prohibited. Smoking in hospitals should be restrictcd to special smoking arcas. Health prof essional s should get specific training on how to support patients who want to stop smoking. 16. A. Reykir pú núna? (Já, daglega. Já, pó ekki daglega. Nei, óg reykti en er hattur. Nei, og ég hef ekki reykt (sleppa lið B). 16. B. Hvað reykir (reyktir) þú? (Slgarettur (eingöngu). Bæði sigarettur og annað tóbak. Vindla (eingöngu). Pipu (cingöngu). Vindla og pipu. (Aðoins sé morkt við eitt atriði í hvorum lið A og B). MYND 1: Spurningarlisti Alþjóðlega berkla- og lungnasjúkdómafélagsins. sama tímabili sést líka fall í tíðni daglegra reykinga (tafla II) og sama gildir ef niðurstöður 6. árs eru skoðaðar þessi ár (tafla III). A síðasta ári könnunarinnar reyktudaglega4.3%læknanemaá l.ogó.áriog 14.5% reyktu minna en daglega. Þegar niðurstöður allra árganga á 1. ári eru bomar saman við niðurstöður 6. árs sést að daglegar reykingar voru tæplega 50% algengari á 6. ári (tafla IV). Daglegar reykingar voru 2-3 sinnum fágætari meðal kvenna í læknanámi. I töflu V kemur fram hvaða tegund tóbaks læknanemar aðhylltust. Ýmis þekkingaratriði voru athuguð en hér verður aðeins gerð grein fyrir kransæðasjúkdómum, brjóstkvefi, lungnaþembu, krabbameini í raddböndum og lungnakrabbameini. Gefið var rétt fyrir svar ef TAFLAII: Reykingarvenjur læknanema á 1. ári. Ár Hafa ekki revkt Hætt Revkia minna en dagleea Revkja dagleea Alls No. % No. % No. % No. % No. 1985 43 59,0 8 11,1 13 17,8 9 12,3 73 1987 48 71,6 9 13,4 4 6,1 6 9,1 67 1988 27 71,1 5 13,2 6 15,8 0 38 54 LÆKNANEMINN l-Mm-42. árg.



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