Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags


Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 05.01.1986, Qupperneq 39

Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 05.01.1986, Qupperneq 39
KÚABÓT I ÁLFTAVERI VIII 101 thcrc may havc bccn a woodcn floor in thc lavatory. A vcsscl of stonc was discovcred in thc rooni. Thc kitchen (H) was built of stones. Rcmains of a hcarth wcrc in the floor and a drainage by thc wcstern wall. Ruin I was dcmolishcd in its westcrn part. Thc ttsagc of thc house in unknown, but assumably it was some kind of an outhouse. The storage housc (J) was, as thc othcr houscs, made of stonc. A part of the wcstcrn wall had collapsed. Stonc slabs for posts wcrc along thc walls. Traccs of two damaged vessels wcre in thc floor, as wcll as a clcar charcoal patch. A pavcmcnt lay along thc outcr wall of thc farnr and from thc cntrancc towards thc church (K). Thrce sidcs of thc church werc of stonc, but thc wcstern wall has bccn a woodcn gablc. Traccs of wood and carthcrn platfornrs wcre along thc wall and remains of a wainscot in thc north castcrn corncr. Signs appeared of a woodcn floor. Stonc slabs for posts wcrc in thc castcrn corncrs and by thc walls. Traccs of a fcncc, possibly of a church yard, wcrc south of thc church and a pavcmcnt lay south of thc church leading towards this fcncc. No signs of intcrmcnt wcrc in the arca. A numbcr of objccts wcrc discovercd, adding up to a total of 564 itcms. Among thcm thcrc arc a numbcr of woodcn picccs, which shcd light on thc internal structurcs of thc living room and thc hall. Two coppcrbowls, a statucttc of thc Holy Virgin witli thc Child and shcrds of ccranrics wcrc discovcrcd in thc church. Atnong thcm thcrc was onc sherd of ceramic, which can bc datcd to thc 15'1 ccntury. Tcphrocronology supports that dating. Thc farm has not bccn deserted prior to that ccntury.
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Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags

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