Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 23.07.1988, Blaðsíða 7

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 23.07.1988, Blaðsíða 7
LAUGARDAGUR 23. JÚLÍ 1988. 'foa0"®* ' cG(k«Mw 5> uitfóo s* f<"s s^sr 'S&gS 3&>» 0Ol- 199 ■V99 9« *\J1 ^>eL0S SJÓ*4'* f.(">s' A99 l.íO»9,v' "Ss^S’^00 'H£Z&£9*: v^íS '&&S* **£»&£* .■vwt 9*9 SM*® Ss^0 , JÓV !*►«* xO^ K»0^0t G*f£c°o?c%M\0G *9 A99 l 199 A99 ^'CC° ^fso t&S>^ ^ cost of cs^w"***0 A99 A99 u**Nv.\s* ,ASOO ■VJB * 299 4A9 99 \0 V\M6 299 99 935 »s»>" ^tsss' c"N„,e 00'J«''p °oUf«W's >'**gg* 299 A99 jMÍ** pO\-\- vtf<s A99 99 A99 AVJS"1 i«* [V\\*»G pyV'i tv»0 -A99 ■V\£tS 999 919 999 SM*t' .999 999 999 ,f**eÞ" ,S°*» flgssgr Soe^>- 'S&’-*'** ‘“0'£v»‘“0'“' NC'0C'?«M\0e0 0?’voWOtS''"í,oMta 00't"",iHG ,^nt**"£' 619 619 »99 A9< CO 999 999 999 S»SS>'M' V\t'NS 999 999 £SV,»* fSðs£s» CV\ cov-o- tS£-. 999 999 999 999 *3&*ss>** $*£>* 6 »*fÆ$U** ■£Sg*J> SS*-e 'ssss> G"fVCC x P'"iss 1° ?t> ^ssgs \foí,í>,S^öO**oHÍ*' ^C^ÍnCOWl'ífsl^005 Ö* 5ÖLÖ A2lS A21S A2lS 999 999 299 A99 A99 ;fs\teo0íA 399 A99 (.A99 |S0 DO' A'CS 199 ss?f> il-öG t '> '”>s. „w»“ tppr g o°'4fwMeojP' ^iveci'0'*1 *S***** v>'it GteS csO»* 29 A21S VA21S SA9 399 |\eo' n se^S^J cfci*60 ccPcJ *SS^SST—— 299 i' ATieeS' oe** 0" Sc 0f 'í"e l0To '(0') ^s'S^%w<^G S ?oe^cfsfeÖ^,f 8" Vp HÖFÚMMMHÐ JJlfaúu£g&tflgsG6-a& ...... 00§S&:......* ' A99 A99 .000' A99 299 \0°fnf*»«*° 1 A"e -0\JCV* ^6**""' 5S’SV 'S^ Jfírr< °wt ^'fo**^0'16 .eeo \96«- 399 A99 ,v\\**e 299 99 **f$,esi M ■5®;^"“*. *»» ’Si't »«’*'“ Vs&'- 6000 ^ p tsSsSSss 299 CO 619 936 509 A99 Eíð: scoEff^e^y^ J°fco^'OS . ____** n£GG0e s ®0'°E e'í££i0's 's Pe***cES I5*SS5L»»>'»'"“ s-sr ’««“** g^\J\-GO° iqSC^O ^gs S1*06SS°MI'£S S fO*6 eesiso0,ohgo’ V(v\teei O0'1'0aOMl'e'0w 00l AV\e**'CfJo-0'°68 A3S9 Bg&f- ■» »“'“**;c;°*o.t eeMe°,c a,ho i"e 45 SHÖ* a(\óoo° \sU 'ssS 0%A<\' toÐOOf, o<°; e«*l*0“ 'HG'O^ pVJ<"°' \\V-Me' pflO Peie p\jG HO MO SC 899 999 625 626 399 999- svoofop0v* o"C%Í0°eS *''S*;SS“**- 999 999 .999 999 SSlÖfíir 611120 ifmSSfaz^fí^Goe v»e 99 A99 A69 99 61® 569 AV\t * í&ss- eLf MOOOO ** toc^M Vs" SfgW**«* sioffovjwM' A99 A99 299 01 O^uf G^**G A99 A99 399 ,V\f ,V\0'^„ 99 A99 A99 ®00 of S;í» , ;»**“ G0°' ,, Gf\°' „ Póe°o GO**f\Ho \.<>o° ÓO 0;' at0S hKSk A69 A99 399 \99 \99 A99 \99 .ts^sss- £gSS&'»*‘ fcooo'0" f 0ect CO -819- 59S 59S 596 999 999 999 999 999 199 999 999 ,0SO»* 299 A99 596 595 596 595 619 596 619 os TfMÓtO A 0o*»f "s ps & ».\o**'6VV.c \99 \99 CO J*»- A99 399 299 509 A99 ,G^Ol 299 A99 ci'oV*„ 0sMf 100 \|0' \99 A99 ,HH" SO 0VCfÓO sí£- iS-pssjr sgssr OHV- _ v 0Oö' Í&SV-JSE Ssíör' * 60°f ,Mooe'eE„oooseW io°0 wve lof.lns 10°" itee*»e 0vjh**»os ió**e'sJfefe**»* £>*«►»»?£ <.“‘*'í“ »°“'S f1ees stcoo0 $>?“'''* oo““ MI01 99 A99 \99 A99 A99 sah°s \99 \99 \99 A99 A99 A6l« \50 tioOifV^6 A99 A99 13« e.ei-rtt0 v.e0i -■ \99 \NsSOVo o°fsÖVefeSHoee- t>M\ofete\i's^°S 299 (lOfc„ \t-**f£" \& ‘f 1Ss&>» *» „A9&6 5SS-'”* Sf*S»’>“ Sgfeí 399 165 A99 619 A69 .iM^Xhvcoo' 1*»s'VoG30e°S ffneo'Of0 » v-»(\ oe^l.^iH \.tv*G' ,i(\**° 10e ,\\0\Ce íSSyragr* 3S5-SS' ^HG'N^MtO"*0 3g§sr*C> VíSS^-” ^J^SSS^* ÍWSS^S'**0*' SS,*?>*“ , to^.t^ie^oeV'0- ■**a5*r- c° SSsS-SSí ’“SS5“£«*“W t'Heo^ffssi S%íS“*“* ^r^s-**' sbss«s»»*" 5 J|Æ M H0ee'D'';tvHG0eo, 0\eei " f00 fj'oo^ sofffeivcoftt0-evMe h00g- GOO^-cv. M'kV'1|jOv\00 **'cftev*»G'! 0oee e es- c 10 0NC"rHOOOsf Gw»* 099 '%&&£***■ s 3sg^*\,s c 5100M 'ff* VAOS'C ^woee s s- 'Si>sr*° o“‘»£»°'t;»o‘“?; “°«> 999 999 999 f'Hei-oiv\eo-fue ofrtH-GO^nW'’ V^JoH-eooffoeO^ *»0OVf H0**WfM£ ’SSfSSS'***”, ssSs^s- *»OS'ff0vHG 999 699 999 999 99' ,ieos? MI0'S 936 \0\9 619 596 „ 619 °n 619 C° 619 CO n 619 CO CO CO 595 595 ghooo-^5 999 Sj3ss>CV*s $$jsru **£'«** c o°®E^f \.oeof|Qvj\Hiei 999 999 oofcooé-sf: ofNoooG-e^ '&jsfef’ SáíSfsr .MeO.raM" \99 99 Ötö*1 ‘ 399 399 646 A99 .0599 199 399 -<sas»gss» “Æ-SSÍf t\C< 0°' I M**G' 619 619 \0\9 619 619 509 509 619 919 999 Ot rvTSf-eS °°e ‘ si\ef ,1000' .00* tySfc1*** «ss~~ ,s **»g'***5> *»rScO0G^ - 999 999 ,Mi\e**o' 'tssei sieeO' oofvN't^^ - “ifSS"'*'*"' 1C0*»O ,cM»p 990 999 N**G' iieeo- 299 Voeo'^Vo^ eofjoeH^o^ ptss'e" ^sss>* io'<EfeV'0ef ^sgr SssSs>* 619 619 : oeM'e lS\P0O00^5 “«sSr“ 595 619 61« 619 ■'SS-SI5'’00" ttsSr’* ',Kj»SK“ „ *Sss%’* 00°f N0° ®J^H» 999 990 *u „l£ S0D ,10 ®ef vt S00O ,10 ’§S^°?s 'gss? »»0'f 1&ÍSS tS008 H\\e „0«*’ 0**'f f°o' efcoGi ■jo**c' i0e „ 0H* sösss<; .00*0' 99 399 eftOH VtM'Of „WVJGG0O i^yÉ^ 765 A25 A25 425 sgsgs iHeoo'i .sieo 130 £>»»“' í!%s> «\ei0fwivHG ’Æ-'&r i0e** mJ' co 619 619 A99 H'G'Ó OOÓ 0fHH -ntS e VAOM\es oe°E f tH00v'nee'<Mio00 OHtóOffOOOO^ 699 999 999 0'1S 999 00' 00' VJ0 00' ,000''. A99 A99 00' f00° 0S" O0C0£' :S100 999 999 f.M\*\ ,0oi 100°' qOH' 0\**' i*4' \1S f\ 0 10£M*O° G'0®l,nMI O0f°tl 1° OVfP'CfiN CO0e 999 999 999
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Dagblaðið Vísir - DV

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