

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1992, Blaðsíða 34

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1992, Blaðsíða 34
SUMMARY The Hekla eruption of 1991 - The tephra fall by Gudrún Larsen Science Institute, Dunhaga 3 IS-107 REYKJAVÍK Iceland Elsa G. Vilmundardóttir National Energy Authority, Grensávegi 9 IS-108 REYKJAVÍK Iceland and Bardi Thorkelsson Icelandic Meteorological Office Bústaðavegi 9 IS-150 REYKJAVÍK Iceland The fourth eruption of Hekla in this century, and its seventeenth eruption in historical times, began at about 1700 hours on January 17th 1991. It was preceded by the shortest period of quiescence known so far, 9 years and 9 months, as measured from the activity of April 1981. The first phases were characterized by mixed activ- ity that produced a small tephra layer and severa! lava flows from fissures on the SW part of the Hekla ridge and on the flanks of the volcano (fig. 1). The opening phase of the eruption was of the plinian type, with an eruption plume rising to 11.5 km height above sea level in less than ten minutes. The eruption apparently began near Axlargígur on the SW shoulder of the volcano. About an hour later, fissures became active on the S flank and on the SW part of the ridge, and then on the E flank where activity lasted longest in this eruption. The eruption cloud was observed on the recently installed weather radar of the Ice- landic Meteorological Office, located at Midnesheidi, some 150 km from Hekla. Cross sections through the eruption cloud were taken at elevations of about 2 and up to at least 12 km a.s.l. The direction of the cloud at each time, its extent down to a certain density level, and changes of den- sity within the cloud were easily observed during at least the first 24 hours. The sim- plified drawings on fig. 2 show the erup- tion cloud in cross section at 2 km a.s.l. during the first 9 hours, as observed on the computer screen. The eruption cloud was carried towards NNE, across the uninhabited highlands, to the Mývatnsveit and Öxarfjördur dis- tricts in NE Iceland. In the vicinity of Hekla, tephra fall was most intense during the first 2-3 hours. The tephra fall reached the NE coast at Melrakkaslétta, some 330 km away, in about 5 hours and 30 minutes. By midnight on January 17th tephra fall had reached an area of ca. 21000 km2, forming a thin and narrow te- phra sector (fig. 3). Minor tephra fall was observed during the following days but af- ter the first 12 hours it was very slight. The H-1991 tephra was deposited on snow, offering an opportunity for detailed sampling (fig. 4) and for determination of mass loading at various distances. In areas proximal to the mountain, the sampling was successful but collection of represen- tative samples was difficult in distal areas, where deposition of the tephra took place in high wind. The mass loading along the axis of thickness ranged from >20 kg/m2 at distances <4 km to 1-2 g/m2 at distances of 280 km from source (fig. 6 a and b). The mass loading values were converted to thickness values (fig. 7 a and b) and isopach maps were constructed for com- parison with other tephra layers. The vol- ume of the tephra deposited during the first 12 hours is about 22 million m3. This is about one-third of the tephra volume in the last two eruptions (table 1). The H-1991 tephra layer is the smallest Hekla layer known to have been deposited in historical times. 176
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