

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1992, Side 71

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1992, Side 71
 Newton, I. 1986. The Sparrowhawk. T & A D Poyser, Calton. 396 bls. Nielsen, P. 1918. Optegnelser vedrprende Islands fugle, tildels efter egen iagttag- else i en længere aarrække. Dansk orn- ithologisk forenings tidsskrift 13. 33-79. Ólafur Karl Nielsen 1983. Músvákur í Sel- löndum. Bliki 2. 27. Peterson, R.T., G. Mountfort & P.A.D. Hollom 1964. Fuglar íslands og Evr- ópu, 2. útg. Almenna bókafélagið, Reykjavík. 400 bls. Poole, A.F. 1989. Ospreys, a natural and unnatural history. Cambridge Univers- ity Press, Cambridge. xviii 4- 246 bls. Ratcliffe, D. 1980. The Peregrine Falcon. Buteo Books, Vermillion. 416 bls. Roos, G. 1974. Stráckráckningar vid Fal- sterbo hösten 1974. Vör Fágelvarld 33. 270-285. Salmonsen, F. 1935. Zoology of the Far- oes: Aves. Copenhagen. Sibley, C.G. 1991. Phylogeny and classifi- cation of birds from DNA compari- sons. Acta XX Congressus Internation- alis Ornithologici: 111-126. Sibley, C.G., J.E. Ahlquist & B.L. Mon- roe Jr. 1988. A classification of the liv- ing birds of the world based on DNA- DNA hybridization studies. Auk 105: 409-423. Timmermann G. 1949. Die Vögel Islands. Vísindafélag íslendinga, Rit 28. 241- 524. Ulfstrand, S., G. Roos, T. Alerstam & L. Österdahl 1974. Visible bird migration at Falsterbo, Sweden. Vár Fágelvarld Suppl 8. Vaurie, C. 1961a. Systematic notes on Pa- learctic birds. No 46. Accipitridae: The genus Accipiter. Am. Mus. Nov., No 2039. Vaurie, C. 1961b. Systematic notes on Pa- learctic birds. No 47. Accipitridae: The genus Buteo. Am. Mus. Nov., No 2042. Waldenström, A., K. Pedersen, E.V. Rasmussen & J.F. Dejonghe 1981. In- vasion av aftonfalk Falco vespertinus i Skandinavien och Nordeuropa hösten 1979. Var Fágelvarld 40. 297-310. Wetmore, A. 1960. A classification for the birds of the world. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 139, No 11. 37 bls. White, C.M. 1978. A review of the sys- tematics of raptors. í Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine (ritstj. M.E. Fowler). Saunders Co., Philadelphia. 221-229. Þorvarður Kjerulf 1878. Nokkur orð um íslenska fugla. Skuld 2. 25-31. Ævar Petersen 1985. Nýjungar um flæk- ingsfugla á Islandi. Bliki 4. 57-67. Ævar Petersen, í undirbúningi. Amerískur smyrill finnst hérlendis. Bliki. Österlöf, S. 1977. Migration, wintering ar- eas, and site tenacity of the European Osprey Pandion h. haliaetus (L). Ornis Scandinavica 8. 61-78. SUMMARY Rare and vagrant birds in Iceland: Falconiformes by Ólafur Karl Nielsen and Hálfdán Björnsson Icelandic Museum of Natural History P.O. Box 5320 1S-125 REYKJAVÍK Iceland Three species of diurnal raptors breed in Iceland, namely the White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), the Gyrfalcon (Fal- co rusticolus), and the Merlin (Falco co- lumbarius). White Gyrfalcons (candicans- type) from Greenland are regular in win- ter. The nearctic subspecies of the Merlin F.c. columbarius has been recorded once in lceland. * Rare and vagrant birds in Iceland. Report 8: Icelandic Museum of Natural History. 213
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