
Kirkjuritið - 01.03.1968, Page 51

Kirkjuritið - 01.03.1968, Page 51
r'rrsrrsrrrr'rrrrsrsrsrrsrrrsrsrsrsrrsrrrrrsrrsrrsrrrsrrrsrsrsrrrrsrrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrrsrr Hörpusilki Úti- og innimalning Ifnrpo Einholti 8 rrrrsrrsrsrsrrrrsrsrsrrsrsrrrrsrsrrrsrrrsrrsrsrsrrsrsrsrsrsrsrrrrrsrrrsrrrsrrsrsrrsrsrrr CHEERIOS er morgunverður CHEERIOS er kvöldverður CHEERIOS er niiðdegisverður CHEERIOS gefur kraft Heildsölubirgðir: NATHAN & OLSEN hf. Sími 1-1234 Cheerios! ( Cheerfos The oq1 ctfeal reodv fo eat Cheerios! rsrrrsrrsrrsrrrsrrrrsrrsrsrsrrsrr>rrsrrsrrr\rsrsrsrsrrsrrsrsrr\rrsrsrrrsrrrsrrsrsrrrsrrsr



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