

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1978, Síða 16

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1978, Síða 16
50 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ In view o£ this, we are of the opinon that differences in endogenous factors immunologi- cal on one hand and chemical and metabolic in the motor neuron system on the other, account for the different clinical pictures, regarding the extension of symptoms and signs and the rate of disease progression. Regarding long survial time in M.N.D. slovv progression of initial symptoms and Iate clini- cal apperance of extension of the disease process to other parts of the motor neuron system, appear to be decisive. We have na explanation for longevity in M.N.D. in Iceland which appears genuine even if discrepan- cies in classification are allowed for. Further studies are being conducted. HEIMILDIR. 1. Ask-Upmark, E.: Amyotrophic laterai sclero- sis observed in 5 persons after gastric resec- tion. Gastroenterology 15:257-259, 1950. 2. Ask-Upmark, E.: Presipitating factors in the pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral scelerosis. Acta med.scand. 170:717-723, 1961. 3. 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New York-London. Grunc and Strattion 20-27, 1969. 10. Brody J.A., W.J. Hadlow. Hotchin, J., Johnson, R.T. Koprowski. H. og Kurland L.T.: Soviet search for viruses that cause chronic neuro- logic disease in t.he USSR Science 147:114- 116, 1965. 11. Brown. I.A.: Chronic mercurialism. Cause of clinical syndrome of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Arch. Ncurology 72:674, 1954. 12. Brown. J.C. og Kater. R.M.H.: Pancreatic function in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neurologji 19:185-189. 1969. 13. Brownell. B., Opnenheimer, D.R. og Hughes, J.T.: The central nervous system in motor neuron disease. J. Neurol. Ncurosurg. Psychiat. 33:338-357, 1970. 14. Campbell, A.M.G., Williams, E.R. og Barltorp D.: Motor neurone disease and exposurc to lead. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat. 33:877- 885, 1970. 15. Castalano Jr., L.W.: Herpes virus hominis antibody in multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Ncurology 19:1101-1106, 1972. 16. 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Kurland, L.T., Choi, N.W. og Sayre G.P.: Implications on incidence and geographic pat- tern on the classification of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In. Motor Neurone Diseases, Ncw York-London, Grune-Stratton. 28-50, 1969. 28. Kurland, L.T. og Mulder, D.W.: Epidemiologic invest.igations of amyotrofic Iateral sclerosis I. Preliminary report on geographic distribu- tion with special reference on the Mariana
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