Læknablaðið - 01.04.1978, Page 83
HBsAb, by the counterimmunoelectrophoresis
technique (CIEP). Eight blood donors were
detected with HBsAg, while only three were
found to have the antibody HBsAb (Table 1
and 2). 95% of the blood donors are males
80% of whom are in the age group 18—39
years. The frequency among blood donors is
1/1394 or 0.072. which is the iowest found
among Scandinavian and North European
donor populations investigated by the same or
s'milar technique.
Eight hospital patients among 613 were found
I-IB-Ag positive and three of them were forei-
gners. One HBcAg positive was found among
588 individuals suspected of chromosomal aber-
mtion, anDrox. half of whom were in hospital
o- liv'ng in institutions (53). The testing of
500 sampies from Icelanders by more sensitive
methods (RIA) has indicated. that the present
estimate of the frequency of the HBsAg, and
in n-’"ticular its antibody, is too low. Subtyping
was done on sera from eight individuals and
all f-nind to be of the ad (D) subtype.
Þakkarorð. Við þökkum samstarfsmönn-
um okkar. bæði þeim sem nefndir eru áður
og starfsiiði siúkrahúsanna, sem sýnt hef-
ur þessum rannsóknum áhuga og aðstoðað
okkur á ýmsan hátt. Við þökkum einnig
heilbrigðismálaráðuneytinu og Stjórnar-
nefnd ríkisspítalanna skilning og stuðning
við að koma þessum rannsóknum í gang.
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