

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1978, Síða 83

Læknablaðið - 01.04.1978, Síða 83
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 95 HBsAb, by the counterimmunoelectrophoresis technique (CIEP). Eight blood donors were detected with HBsAg, while only three were found to have the antibody HBsAb (Table 1 and 2). 95% of the blood donors are males 80% of whom are in the age group 18—39 years. The frequency among blood donors is 1/1394 or 0.072. which is the iowest found among Scandinavian and North European donor populations investigated by the same or s'milar technique. Eight hospital patients among 613 were found I-IB-Ag positive and three of them were forei- gners. One HBcAg positive was found among 588 individuals suspected of chromosomal aber- mtion, anDrox. half of whom were in hospital o- liv'ng in institutions (53). The testing of 500 sampies from Icelanders by more sensitive methods (RIA) has indicated. that the present estimate of the frequency of the HBsAg, and in n-’"ticular its antibody, is too low. Subtyping was done on sera from eight individuals and all f-nind to be of the ad (D) subtype. Þakkarorð. Við þökkum samstarfsmönn- um okkar. bæði þeim sem nefndir eru áður og starfsiiði siúkrahúsanna, sem sýnt hef- ur þessum rannsóknum áhuga og aðstoðað okkur á ýmsan hátt. Við þökkum einnig heilbrigðismálaráðuneytinu og Stjórnar- nefnd ríkisspítalanna skilning og stuðning við að koma þessum rannsóknum í gang. HEIMILDIR: 1. Banke. O.. Dybk.iaer. E.. Nordenfelt, E„ Reinicke. V.: Australia-antigen and anti- bodv in 10.000 Danish blood donors. Lancet I. 860^61. 1971. 2. Rlumberg. B.S., Alter. H.J.. Visnich. S.: A ,.new“ antigen in leukemia sera. •T.A M.A. 191. 541-546, 1965. 3. Biumberg. B.S.: Samvinna og bréfasam- band 1974 og 1975. 4. Brummelhuis. H.G.J.: Technical aspects and results of the determination of hepa- titis associated antigen (HAA) and anti- bodv. Vox Sang (Basel) 19, 228-33, 1970. 5. Couroucé, A.M., Holland, P.V., Muller, J.Y.,Soulier, J.P.: HBC Antigen Subtypes. Proceedings of the International Workshop on HBS Antigen Subtypes, held at the Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine, Paris, April 14-18. 1975. S. Karger, Basel, Switzerland 1976. 6. Gocke, D.J. & Howe, C.: Rapid detection of Australia antigen by counterim- munoelectrophoresis. J. Immunol. 101/, 1031-32, 1970. 7. Helske, T.: Carriers of Hepatitis B Anti- gen and Transfusion Hepatitis in Fin- land. Scand. J. Haemat. Supplementum No 22. Munksgaard. Copenhagen 1974. 8. Helske, T. and Nevanlinna, H.R.: Preli- minary Communication: Familial Accumu- lation of Carriers of Au antigen. J. Med. Genet. 10. 270-272, 1973. 9. Iwarson. S„ Lindholm. Annika, Lundin. P„ Hermodsson. S.: Hepatitis-assosiated antigen and antibody in Swedish blood donors. Vnx Sang. (BaseD 22, 501-09. 1972. 10. Jónasson. .T.L.: Hepatitis B antigen. Lækna- hl. 63. 3-19. 1977. 11. Melnick. J.L., Hollinger. F.B.: Progress in liver diseases. IV. 345-365, Grune and Strat- ton, New York. 1972. 12. Skinhöi. P.: Epidemiology of Hepatitis B antigen and antibody in hospital patients in Conenhagen. Scand J Infect Dis. 7. 85-89. 1975. 13. Skinhöi. P.: Samvinna og bréfasamband 1975 og 1976. 14. Solaps. M.H.: Frequencv of the Australia- SH antigen and antibody among Nor- wegian blood donors. Scand J Haemat. 7. 506-08, 1970. 15. Wallace, J., Milne, G.R., Barr, A.: Total screening of blood donations for Australia (Hepatitis Associated) antigen and its antibody. Brit. med. J. 1, 663-64, 1972. 16. WHO. Advances in viral hepatitis. Techni- cal Report Series, No 602. Geneva, 1977.
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