

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1983, Blaðsíða 41

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1983, Blaðsíða 41
LÆ KNABLADID 351 Tafla IX. Algengustu medgöngusjúkdómar 1981. Fjöldi Hlutfall 1. Meðgöngueitrun — of hár blóðprýstingur 196 38.1 2. Yfirvofandi fyrirburafæðing og fósturlát 91 17.8 3. Vaxtarseinkun fósturs 27 5.2 4. Tvíburar 27 5.2 5. Blæðing á meðgöngu 21 4.0 6. Leghálsbilun (insufficientia cervicis) 15 2.9 7. Uppköst á meðgöngu (hyperemisis gravidarum) 14 2.8 8. Slæm saga — »bad obstetric history (BOH)« 10 2.0 9. Sykursýki á meðgöngu 6 1.2 10. Of mikið legvatn (hydramnios) 6 1.2 11. Aörir sjúkdómar 101 19.6 Alls 514 100 sem greiningin er mjög erfið og því nauðsyn- legt að hafa lágan »grunsemdarþröskuld«. SUMMARY A survey of 514 pregnant women admitted during 1981 to the Antenatal Ward of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, National Hospital, Reykjavík, was carried out. The object was to define the patient population, to estimate the effect of age and other factors on the risk of acquiring pregnancy induced disease and to investigate the pregnancy outcome, comparing it with the outcome for all women giving birth in Iceland during 1981. 314 patients were admitted once only and 130 on more than one occasion. The age distribution was compared with that of the 4442 women giving birth in Iceland during 1981. In the hospital group there are relatively fewer women under the age of 20 but a larger number of women over the age of 35 than in the national group. The risk of acquiring pregnancy induced illness appears to be 4 times greater at the age of 40 than at 20, but does not appear to be affected by increasing parity or a history of previous miscarria- ges. The percentage of primigravidae was the same in both groups. 77.5 % of the patients were admitted during weeks 30-40, the risk of becoming ill during preg- nancy reaching a peak during the last 4 weeks of pregnancy. The most common diagnoses were pre-eclampsia or monosymptomatic hypertension (38 %), iminent premature delivery (17.8%), dysmaturity (5.2%), twins (5.2 %) and hæmorrhage (4 %). The diagnoses at discharge were in general agreement with the diagnoses prior to admission. There was a definite tendency to over-diagnose dysmaturity before admission which shows a heal- thy low threshold of suspicion. The caesarean sextion rate was 21 % which is double the national rate (10.5 %). The mean weight of the babies was 3246 g which is 314 g less than the national average. 31.8 % of the babies received a hospital diagnosis other than »healthy« on discharge, compared with a national figure of 15 %. The stillborn rate and the perinatal mortality was 23 %o and 28 %o respectively com- pared with 5 %o and 7.8 %o for the whole country.
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