Læknablaðið - 15.05.1990, Síða 58
The first royal bylaws pertaining to prevention of
small-pox and measlqs in Iceland were announced
in the year 1787, in the wake of abolishment of
the trade monopoly in Iceland, which opened
the country to unrestricted communication by
merchantmen and fishing vessels.
Very comprehensive quarantine bylaws for Norway
and Denmark were issued by the Danish king 1805,
and gradually made valid for Iceland in the years
1831-38. In 1812 vaccination for small-pox was
made compulsory in Iceland.
In 1802 a small scale experiment of vaccination
was made in some districts in Iceland because the
authorities doubted the value of vaccination in a
country where the disease was not endemic.
After the first cholera-pandemic 1826-34 reached
westem Europe in 1830, many special bylaws were
published by the govemment in Copenhagen 1831-
51 conceming the possibility of cholera invasion
of Iceland. In all the govemmental rescripts
and bylaws pertaining to quarantine, the greatest
emphasis was laid on the constitution of public
health and quarantine-commissions, especially in
all seaside villages. The authorities did not comply
with these whishes of the govemment until 1848,
and then it was high time, as the cholera was on
the threshold of Copenhagen.
1. Sundheds-Commissionens Protocol 1848-1885, Litra
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2. Jochmann: Pocken und Vaccinationslehre 1913. I:
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