

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1990, Blaðsíða 7

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1990, Blaðsíða 7
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 327 Table 1. Distribution of patients according to agricultural work, smoking history, sex, age and results of spirometry. Spirometry and total lung capacity results are recorded as percentage of predicted values. Number in parenthesis shows standard deviation. (M=male, F=female). No. M F Age FEV1/FVC% FVC% of pred. FEV1% of pred. TLC% of pred. Farm-workers; smokers and ex-smokers........ 40 30 10 69.33(7.81) 49.29(10.31) 60.67(22.70) 41.51 (22.12) 128.2 (15.78) Farm-workers; non-smokers.......... 29 26 3 79.86(6.94)49.56(11.68)69.20(23.90)48.74(20.35) 127.2 (15.66) Non-farmers; smokers and ex-smokers........ 149 76 73 68.61 (8.23) 51.17(11.89) 60.69(24.45) 41.75(21.25) 125.0 (14.49) Non-farmers; non-smokers.......... 10 5 5 72.70 (9.48)56.39(14.59)70.44 (27.81)55.56(27.59) 118.5(27.86) Table 2. Distribution of patients according to agricultural work, spirometric values and smoking history. No. Age FEV1/FVC% FVC% of pred. FEV1% of pred. TLC% of pred. % smokers Farmers and ex-farmers ... Non-farmers 69 .. 159 73.75 (9.07) 68.87 (8.37) 49.40 (10.82) 51.50 (12.09) 64.08 (23.45) 61.30 (24.69) 44.55 (21.54) 42.62 (21.85) 127.7 (15.61) 124.6 (15.63) 58.0 94.0 Table 3. Distribution of patients according to smoking history and spirometric values. No. Age FEV1/FVC% FVC% of pred. FEV1% of pred. TLC% of pred. Smokers and ex-smokers .. .. 189 68.76 (8.13) 50.77 (11.57) 60.62 (24.03) 41.70 (21.37) 125.7 (14.78) Non-smokers 39 78.03 (8.17) 51.31 (12.65) 69.52 (24.58) 50.49 (22.24) 124.9 (19.66) Table 4. Results of spirometry among farmers and ex-farmers, as related to smoking history. No. Age FEV1/FVC% FVC% of pred. FEV1% of pred. TLC% of pred. Smokers and ex-smokers .. .. 40 69.33 (7.81) 49.29 (10.31) 60.37 (22.70) 41.51 (22.12) 128.1 (15.78) Non-smokers .. 29 79.86 (6.94) 49.56 (11.68) 69.20 (23.90) 48.74 (20.35) 127.2 (15.66) Table 5. Results of spirometry among non-farmers, as related to smoking history. No. Age FEV1/FVC% FVC% of pred. FEV1% of pred. TLC% of pred. Smokers and ex-smokers .. .. 149 68.61 (8.23) 51.17 (11.89) 60.69 (24.45) 41.75 (21.45) 125.0 (14.49) Non-smokers 10 72.70 (9.48) 56.39 (14.59) 70.44 (27.81) 55.56 (27.59) 118.5 (27.90)
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