

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1990, Blaðsíða 15

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1990, Blaðsíða 15
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 333 A study was carried out in Gothenburg 1986 with the aim of developing and testing hypotheses on non-physical territoriality in health care organizations in Sweden. Similar studies were performed in the other Nordic countries. This survey is number two of five subsequent articles with the results from Iceland. In this paper two hypotheses were tested: 1. Different professional groups have different norms and values guiding the way tasks should be performed. 2. The members of a professional group do not want to include troublesome, negatively valued, and low status tasks in their territory. The results confirmed the first mentioned hypothesis. GPs more often include holistic view in their norms and values. They pay more attention to psychological and social aspects and the state of health and social conditions in the patients families than other specialists in Iceland do. Furthermore, the Icelandic physicians do not agree that a patient with multiple and/or diffuse symptoms combined with social and psychological problems ought not to be examined and treated within the medical health care. The majority thinks that the GP should examine and treat these patients. The GPs agree more strongly on this subject than other specialists in Iceland. HEIMILDIR 1. Kristjánsson H, Sigurðsson JÁ, Magnússon G, Berggren L. Skoðanir lækna á starfssviðum sérgreina I. Læknablaðið 1990; 76: 295-8. 2. Berggren L. Non-physical territoriality in health care organizations. Doctoral Thesis. Department of Social Medicine, Department of Environmental Hygiene, University of Gothenburg 1986. 3. Malmberg T. Human territoriality. Survey of behavioural territories in man with preliminary analysis and discussion of meaning. Great Britain: Mouton publishers, 1980. 4. Haraldsson EP, Mixa ÓF, Pétursson PI. Sémám í heimilislækningum - greinargerð og nefndarálit. Læknablaðið 1977; 63: 111-22. 5. Ólafsson Ó. Haraldsson EÞ, Stefánsson JG, Jónasson TÁ. Kennsla í heimilislækningum við læknadeild Háskóla fslands. Læknablaðið 1977: 63: 167-74. 6. Bengtsson C. Vi fár inte skapa tvá várldar av sjukhusvárden och primárvárden. Lákartidningen 1988; 85: 3241-7. 7. Evans EC. Physician survival: should the doctor come first? Can Fam Physician 1980; 26: 856-9. 8. Hulth A. Socialt altemativ till sjukskrivning báttre án att utvidga sjukdomsbegreppet. Lákartidningen 1979; 76: 167-8.
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