

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1991, Blaðsíða 32

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1991, Blaðsíða 32
24 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ hashish confiscated by the Icelandic police have been on the increase (fig. 5). HEIMILDIR 1. Jóhannesson Þ. Lyfjafræði og eiturefnafræði í læknadeild, fyrr, nú og í framtíð (sérprentun). Reykjavík: Rannsóknastofa í lyfjafræði, 1986: 3. 2. Stefánsson H. Kannabis, yfirlit og athuganir. Tímarit um lyfjafræði 1971; 6(2): 6-17. 3. Fairbaim JW, Liebmann JA. The extraction and estimation of the cannabinoids in Cannabis sativa L. and its products. J Pharm Pharmacol 1973; 25: 150-5. 4. Sobol SP, Moore RS. Analytical manual. Washington: Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Dmgs, 1974: 165-8. 5. Jóhannesson Þ. Lyfjafræði miðtaugakerfisins. Reykjavík: Menntamálaráðuneytið/Háskóli fslands, 1984: 99-113. 6. Sigurjónsson H. Tæknideild lögreglunnar í Reykjavík. Persónulegar upplýsingar, 1988. 7. Machata G. Analytischer Nachweis und Bewertung von Haschisch. Arch Toxikol 1969; 25: 19-26. 8. Baker PB, Taylor BJ, Gough TA. The tetrahydrocannabinol and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid content of cannabis products. J Pharm Pharmacol 1981; 33: 369-72. 9. Recommended methods for testing cannabis. Manual for use by national narcotics laboratories. New York: United Nations, 1987: 1-38. Kaa E. Narkotika, retskemiske aspekter. Aarhus: Retskemisk afdeling, Aarhus Universitel, 1989: 11- 6. ElSohly MA, Holley JH, Tumer CE. Constituents of Cannabis sativa L. XXVI. The delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol content of confiscated marijuana 1974-1983. In: Harvey DJ, Paton W, Nahas GG, eds. Marihuana ’84. Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Cannabis. Press Ltd. 1985: 37-42. 12. Doorenbos NJ, Felterman PS, Quimby MW, Tumer CE. Cultivation, Extraction and analysis of Cannabis Sativa L. Ann NY Acad Sci 1971; 191: 3-12. 13. Tumer CE, ElSholy MA, Boeren EG. Constituents of Cannabis sativa L. XVII. Review of the natural constituents. J Nat Prod 1980; 43: 169-234. 14. Tumer JC, Mahlberg PG. Simple high-performance liquid chromatgraphic method for separating acidic and neutral cannabinoids in Cannabis sativa L. J Chromatog 1982; 253: 295-303. 15. Mechoulan R, McCallum KN, Burstein S. Recent advances in chemistry and biochemistry of Cannabis. Chem Rev 1976; 76: 75-112. 16. Maehly A, Strömberg L. Chemical Criminalistics. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag 1981; 35-9. 17. Vollner L. Review of analytical methods for identification and quantification of cannabis products. Regulatory Pharmacol Toxicol 1986; 6: 348-58.
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