Læknablaðið - 15.01.1992, Blaðsíða 23
hyperthyroidism. One patient had MEA-I and
parathyroid adenoma. Both hyperplasia cases were
of the chief cell type.
During the 5-year period 1985-1989 a total of 64
patients (54 females, 10 males) were operated
on in Iceland and had histologically proven
hyperparathyroidism, 55 patients (86%) had
adenoma, 9 patients (14%) had hyperplasia.
This corresponds to 5.2 operations per 100.000
inhabitants per year. No parathyroid carcinoma
was diagnosed during the study period.
In conclusion, as we find in our material negligible
operative complications and a high surgical success
rate, we recommend a surgical treatment of all
hyperparathyroid patients except in cases where
contraindications for surgery are to be found.
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