

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1994, Blaðsíða 30

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1994, Blaðsíða 30
540 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1994; 80 Vímuefnanotkun unglinga — áhættuþættir og áhrif fræðslu Þórarinn Gíslason1), Aldís Yngvadóttir2*, Bryndís Benediktsdóttir3) Gíslason 1», Yngvadóttir A, Bcncdiktsdóttir B Alcohol consumption, smoking and drug abusc among teenagers — a prospectivc study Læknablaðið 1994; 80: 540-52 Many of the social and health problems of teenagers today are related to the use of intoxicating drugs. In 1990 the use of Lions Quest began in primary schools in Iceland. With Lions Quest the young are taught life skills in order to be helped to live a healthy life without tobacco, alcohol or other in- toxicating drugs. The aim of this study, therefore, was to try to determine what factors influence teen- age use of intoxicants and whether the attitudes and drug consumption of those teenagers who had par- ticipated in Lions Quest were any different from those who had not. The research is a continuation of a comparative study where students were administered question- naires to ascertain their attitudes toward Iife and toward the use of intoxicating substances. In 1989 the survey covered 566 students 12-13 years of age and three years later in 1992 reached 500 of the former respondents when they were 15-16 years old. The schools were chosen such that the study reflect- ed the attitudes of students both in sparsely and in densely settled areas. The study showed that of the 15-16 year olds 18.6% smoked daily, 44.4% had felt the effects of alcohol four times or more, and 5% had a history of repeat- ed drug abuse (cannabis, sniffing solvents, etc.) The use of various intoxicating substances is strong- ly correlated, a fact that supports the hypothesis that attitudes toward life and conditions that lead to the use of one type of drug also support the use of other drugs. Those teenagers who used drugs had a great deal in common as regards attitudes toward life and Frá 1,geödeild Landspítalans og lungnadeild Vífilsstaðaspít- ala, 2|Menntamálaráðuneytinu, 3lHeilsugæslunni í Garða- bæ. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Þórarinn Gíslason lungnadeild Vífilsstaðaspítala, 210 Garðabær. the pattern of family relations. They were not as close to their families as were teenagers who did not use drugs, were seldom home in the evening and had few interests in conrmon with their parents. The parents were more often divorced, smoking in the home was more common and alcohol consumption had more frequently caused family problems. These teenagers were more easily influenced, were more dependent on their friends, had less self-confidence, and were less apt to participate in sports and scouts. Their academic presentation was also lower. There was no significant difference in the level of drug use of teenagers who had participated in Lions Quest and those in the control group. Research in other countries has shown that programs of this kind have succeeded well in preventing drug abuse. The reason why the present study did not show the same result may be because teaching materials of this kind are so new to the Icelandic school system and also because the instructional material had not been giv- en a real place in the legally required curriculum at the time the survey was carried out. Ágrip Mikið af félagslegum og heilsufarslegunt vandamálum ungmenna í dag má tengja vímu- efnanotkun þeirra. Margháttuð fræðsla og for- varnastarf gegn vímuefnaneyslu hefur verið reynt hér á landi. Árið 1990 var byrjað að nota námsefnið Að ná tökum á tilverunni, Lion Qu- est (LQ) í nokkrum grunnskólum. Þar er kennd lífsleikni og nteð þeim hætti reynt að hjálpa unglingunum að lifa heilbrigðu lífi án tóbaks, áfengis og annarra vímugjafa. Tilgang- ur þessarar rannsóknar er að reyna að meta hvaða þættir hafa áhrif á vímuefnaneyslu ung- linga og hvort viðhorf og neysla þeirra ung- linga sem fengið hafa kennslu í LQ sé öðruvísi en þeirra sem ekki hafa fengið þetta námsefni. Rannsóknin er framvirk samanburðarrann- sókn þar sem spurningalistar voru lagðir fyrir nemendur til að kanna lífsviðhorf og neyslu á
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