

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1994, Síða 66

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1994, Síða 66
574 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1994; 80 Kirurgiska och Rattsmedicinska Inst., Lunds Uni- versitet, Svíþjóð, Rannsóknastofa Háskólans í meinafræði The aim of the study was to document the early development of suture holding capacity (SHC) of end-to-end anastomoses in the Aorta and Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) of the rat, by measuring their resistance to tensile forces. Forty Aortic and 35 IVC anastomoses were evaluated 0, 3, 5, 8,11 or 14 days postoperatively. Thirty additional anastomoses were histologically evaluated at the same times post- operatively. The force needed to disrupt unoperated control specimens of the Aorta was greater than that needed for the IVC. The same was true of freshly made anastomoses. However, from the 3rd to 14th day, the venous anastomoses withstood higher forces than anastomoses in the Aorta. The relative breaking strain of the Aorta and IVC were similar throughout the study, while the veins exhibited a greater ultimate strain than did the Aorta. Moderate to severe media ischaemia was found within all arte- rial suture loops, the degenerative changes usually extending through the total thickness of the vessel wall. No such necrotic changes were observed in the veins. Only slight to moderate foreign body reac- tions were noted around sutures, equally in arteries and veins. It is postulated that necrotic changes of the vessel wall within the suture loops of arterial anastomoses weakens the anastomoses by reducing the walls suture holding capacity and may thus facil- itate the development of anastomotic pseudoaneu- rysms and possibly dehiscence. 56. Combined transurethral microwave thermotherpy and balloon dilation of the canine prostate — Sonographic and histologic assessment Eiríkur Jónsson, Jack P. Hoopes, et al. Dartmouth-Hitchcok Medical Center, Hanover, NH, USA Örbylgjumeðferð kemur að notum við meðferð góðkynja stækkunar blöðruhálskirtils (BPH). Út- víkkun (dilatation) á kirtlinum er gamalreynd aðferð til að minnka prostatismus einkenni. Við sameinuð- um þessar tvær aðferðir og meðhöndluðum í svæf- ingu 14 karlhunda (canine!) sem síðan var fylgt eftir í allt að þrjá mánuði. Ómun sýndi miklar holumynd- anir í kirtlinum fyrst eftir meðferðina sem síðar voru staðfestar sem vefjaskemmdir (necrosis) við meina- fræðiskoðun. Þessi samtvinnun hita og þrýstings framkallaði mun meiri vefjabreytingar en vænta mátti af þrýstingnum eða hitanum einum sér. Ef markmiðið er að fjarlægja prostata-vef (ablation) þá gæti þessi samtvinnun verið árangursn'k við meðferð góðkynja stækkunar blöðruhálskirtils hjá karlmönn- um. Höfundaskrá Auður Smith.......... Árni Björnsson ....... Ásbjörn Jónsson ...... Bjarni A. Agnarsson .. Bjarni Hannesson ..... Bjarni Torfason ...... Björn Magnússon ...... Björn Þ. Sigurbjörnsson Björn Zoega.......... Brynjólfur Jónsson . .. Brynjólfur Mogensen .. Dahlstrand Ch ........ Einar Jónmundsson ... Einar Oddsson........ Einfríður Árnadóttir .. Eiríkur Jónsson....... Elín Stefánsdóttir .... ................. 17 ................... 4 ..... 12, 15, 16, 39 ........ 24, 47, 55 ............... 16,39 .................. 37 .................. 42 ............. 54, 55 .............. 15, 16 .......... 12, 13, 14 11, 12, 13, 14, 44, 45 .................. 27 .................. 43 .................. 46 .................. 40 ............. 28, 56 .................. 32 Friðrik Kristján Guðbrandsson........ 53 Garðar Sigurðsson.................... 29 Gibbons RP .......................... 28 Grétar Ólafsson ................. 37, 42 Guðjón Birgisson ................ 18, 26 Guðjón Haraldsson ............... 34, 52 Guðjón Lárusson...................... 32 Guðmundur Bjarnason ............. 35, 49 Guðmundur Vikar Einarsson ........... 25 Guðmundur Geirsson .............. 26, 27 Guðmundur Már Stefánsson ............. 1 Gunnar H. Gunnlaugsson .............. 18 Gunnar Mýrdal ....................... 30 Hallberg E .......................... 54 Halldór Jóhannsson .................. 40 Haraldur Hauksson ................... 21 Helgi Isaksson ...................... 32
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