

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1997, Page 45

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1997, Page 45
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1997; 83 117 Fræðigreinar íslenskra lækna í erlendum tímaritum Getið er fræðigreina og -ágripa. Sendið heiti greinar, nöfn höfunda og birtingarstað tii Læknablaðsins. Miðað er við greinar sem birst hafa á yfirstandandi og síðasta ári. Til glöggvunar verður íslenskra höfunda getið með fornafni þótt þess sé ekki getið við birt- ingu. * Brynjólfur Jónsson, Sernbo I, Carlsson Á, Fre- din H, Johnell O. Social function after cervical hip fracture. A comparison of hook-pins and total hip replacement in 47 patients. Acta Orthop Scand 1996;67:431-4. * María Bjarnadóttir, Grubb A, ísleifur Ólafsson. Promoter-mediated, dexamethasone-induced increase in cystatin C production by HeLa cells. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 1995; 55: 617-23. * ísleifur Ólafsson. The human cystatin C gene promoter: functional analysis and identification of hetergeneous mRNA. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 1995; 55: 597-607. * ísleifur Ólafsson, Leifur Þorsteinsson, Ólafur Jensson. The Molecular Pathology of Hereditary Cystatin C Amyloid Angiopathy Causing Brain Hemorrhage. Brain Patho 1996; 6:121-6. * Karl Andersen, Dellborg M, Swedberg K. Nucle- oside Transport Inhibition with Draflazine in Un- stable Coronary Disease. Eur J Clin Pharm 1996; 51: 7-13. * Karl Andersen, Eriksson P, Kállström G, Dell- borg M. Clinical evaluation is related to markers of risk in patients with unstable angina pectoris (abstract). XVth Nordic Congress of Cardiology, Malmö, 1995. * Karl Andersen, Dellborg M, Emanuelsson H, Grip L, Swedberg K. Thrombin Inhibition with Inogatran for Unstable Angina Pectoris: Evi- dence of Reactivated Ischemia after Cessation of Short-Term Treatment. Coronary Artery Disease 1996; 7: 673-81. * Karl Andersen, Dellborg M, Emanuelsson H, Grip L, Rydén L, Swedberg K. Reaktiverad ische- mi efter avslutad behandling med trombin hám- maren Inogatran vid instabil angina (abstrakt). Svenska Lákaresállskapets Riksstámma, 1995. * Karl Andersen, Dellborg M, Eriksson P, Káll- ström G, Svensson A-M. Vektorkardiografi iden- tifierar högrisk patienter med instabil angina (ab- strakt). Svenska Lákaresállskapets Riksstámma 1995. * Karl Andersen, Dellborg M, Eriksson P, Káll- ström G, Svensson A-M. Vektorkardiografi iden- tifierar tyst ischemi vid instabil angina (abstrakt). Svenska Lákaresállskapets Riksstámma 1995. * Karl Andersen, Eriksson P, Dellborg M. Non- Invasive Risk Stratification within 48 Hours of Hospital Admission in Patients with Unstable Co- ronary Disease. Eur Heart J 1997 (in press). * Karl Andersen, Eriksson P, Kállström G, Svens- son A-M, Dellborg M. Ischaemia Detected by Continuous On-Line Vectorcardiographic Mon- itoring Predicts Unfavorable Outcome in Patients Admitted with Probable Unstable Coronary Dis- ease. Coronary Artery Disease 1996; 7: 753-60. * Karl Andersen, Eriksson P, Kállström G, Svens- son A-M, Dellborg M. Continuous Vectorcardiog- raphy Predicts Early Clinical Events in Patients with Unstable Coronary Disease (abstract). Eur Heart J 1996; 17: 576. * Karl Andersen, Eriksson P, Kállström G, Svens- son A-M, Dellborg M. Continuous Vectorcardiog- raphy Predicts Clinical Events in Patients with Unstable Coronary Artery Disease (abstract). Eur Heart J 1996; 17: 575. * Karl Andersen, Eriksson P, Kállström G, Alf- vegren E, Dellborg M. Heparin is more Effective than Inogatran, a Novel Low-Molecular Weight Thrombin Inhibitor in Unstable Coronary Disease (abstract). J Am Coll Cardiol 1997: 27 (Supple- ment A). * Karl Andersen. Vectorcardiographic ST-Seg- ment Monitoring in the Unstable Coronary Syn- drome (thesis). Göteborg University, 1997.



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