Læknablaðið - 15.02.1997, Síða 66
Grants from the Nordic Cancer Union
Research Fund
The Nordic Cancer Union, a union of the Nordic Cancer Societies, has
established a research fund (4 million FIM for 1997) aiming at supporting
and stimulating collaborative cancer research within the Nordic coun-
tries (minimum two countries). The research projects should have can-
cer relevance, be uniquely suited to be carried out within the Nordic
countries and the effect of collaboration should be synergistic. Exam-
ples of such collaborative projects are basic, clinical, epidemiological
studies utilizing the national cancer registers, clinical trials and comple-
mentary state of the art technology. Also planning of such studies and
pilot projects (travel and meeting expenditures, secretarial help and
electronic data processing) may be granted.
The application must be written in English and be forwarded in six copies
to the Norwegian Cancer Society, P.O. Box 5327 Majorstua, N-0304
Oslo, Norway, 17 February 1997 at the latest.
Evaluation is made by Nordic scientific committee.
In addition to the application form, including a detailed budget, a project
description (max 5 A4 pages), curriculum vitae (max 1 A4 page) and list
of publication (max 10 of the applicant’s best articles) must be elaborat-
For an application form call the Norwegian Cancer Society (Brith Skrán-
ing/Mona Steen), P.O. Box 5327 Majorstua, N-0304 Oslo, Norway, tel.
+47 22 46 10 10, fax +47 22 60 69 80.