

Læknablaðið - 15.06.1998, Blaðsíða 41

Læknablaðið - 15.06.1998, Blaðsíða 41
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1998; 84 491 and cases of mild dementia decreased, mainly due to progression of mild dementias to more severe forms and to the fact that most new ca- ses were of moderate to severe degree. The proportion of vascular dementia was 47% at age 85 and 54% at 88, despite a higher morta- lity in vascular dementia than in other demen- tias. II. Sixty-three subjects (18.2%) became demented between age 85 and 88, giving an in- cidence of 90.1/1000/year for both sexes com- bined (61.3/1000/year for men and 102.7/1000/ year for women; p=0.085). The incidence of Alzheimer's disease was 36.3/1000/year, vas- cular dementia 39.0/1000/year (p= 1.000) and other dementias 9.1/1000/year. III. Both Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia were preceded by a large number of cognitive impairments (e.g., in memory, ab- stract reasoning, orientation, naming fingers, concentration), psychiatric manifestations (e.g., compulsions, visual hallucinations, in- creased suspiciousness), behavioral changes (e.g., flattened affects, emotional bluntness, decreased self-confidence, aggressiveness) and subcortical signs (e.g., tremor, psychomotor retardation). The preclinical phase of Alz- heimer's disease was characterised by distur- bances in memory, while the preclinical phase of vascular dementia was not. IV. At the age of 85, the non-demented sub- Stofnfrumugræðlingar blóðmyndandi vefs Leiðrétting I maíhefti Læknablaðsins birtist greinin Stofnfrumugrœðlingar blóðmyndandi vefs eftir þá Kristbjörn Orra Guðmundsson, Leif Þorsteinsson, Ásgeir Haraldsson og Svein Guðmundsson. Þau mistök urðu við birtingu greinarinnar að merki í tveimur töflum misrit- uðust á þann veg, að merking er vísa átti til neðanmálsskýringar varð að kvaðratrótar- merki. Töflurnar eru því birtar hér aftur um leið og beðist er afsökunar á þessum mistökum. Verði vísað til greinarinnar skal leiðréttingar einnig getið og tilvísun orðuð eftirfarandi: Guð- mundsson KO, Þorsteinsson L, Haraldsson Á, Guðmundsson S. Stofnfrumugræðlingar blóð- myndandi vefs (leiðrétting birtist í Læknablað- inu 1998; 84: 490). Læknablaðið 1998; 84: 373- 9. jects had a mean score of 27.7 on MMSE, and demented individuals scored a mean of 14.5 (p<0.001). More than half of those with mild dementia scored above the cut-off score 23/24. Of the non-demented, 75% scoring below 24 and 37% of those scoring 24 to 25 became de- mented during the follow-up. Non-demented subjects who did not develop dementia had a mean decline in MMSE-score of 0.6 per year, while those who became demented declined by 2.3 points per year. A decrease of four or more points during the three years had a sensitivity of 82% and a specificity of 80%. Correlation was found between MMSE scores and educa- tion both in non-demented and demented indi- viduals. V. Among 20 mental and physical disorders studied, Alzheimer’s disease and vascular de- mentia were the most important predictors of seven-year mortality in 85-year-olds, predic- ting 31% of all deaths in men and 50% of all deaths in women, according to a calculation of population attributable risk (PAR). Life expec- tancy decreased with dementia severity. Survi- val in women with mild Alzheimer's disease was similar to that of non-demented women. Key words: dementia, Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, epidemiology, prevalence, incidence, survival, preclinical symptoms, cognitive decline, very old, popu- lation study. Table I. The volume of blood and the number of leukocytes from 57 umbilical cord blood samples. (n) S,X±S.E.M." Min-Max Median Volume (ml) 57 43.8± 3.2 6.5- 107.0 42.0 2|WBCx106 57 433.9± 46.3 11.4-1121.3 483.9 3lMNCx106 57 102.7± 10.9 4.4- 364.1 79.8 11 The results are presented as mean± standard error ol the mean. 11 Total number of white blood cells. 31 Number ot mononudear cells isolated by the Isopaque/Ficoll grad- ient centrifugation technique. Table II. CD34 counting and colony formation (CFU-GM and BFU-E) of MNC samples. isolated from 40 umbilical cord blood (n) S,X±S.E.M." Min-Max Median CD34(%) 2,CFU-GM 40 0.93±0.14 0.09-4.80 0.75 /105 cells 3IBFU-E 40 238±26 27-760 207 /10= cells 40 506±82 21-2385 380 " The results are presented as mean± standard error of the mean. 0 (CFU-GM) Colony forming unit-granulocyte macrophage. ” (BFU-E) Burst forming unit-erythroid.
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