Flóra: tímarit um íslenzka grasafræði - 01.05.1967, Side 52

Flóra: tímarit um íslenzka grasafræði - 01.05.1967, Side 52
At the time of colonization of the country considerable woods were found throughout this area, but at the present time only trifling remains are seen in few places. Those remains which are worth mentioning, grow in the mouth of Reykja- dalur. There is only a brushwood of 2 meters’ height. 3. The first naturalist who made an attempt to investigate the flora of Dala- sýsla was the vice-lögmaSur Eggert Olafsson in the year 1757. In 1840 a Danish naturalist, Jafetus Steenstrup, also made a collection of plants north of Hvamms- fjörður, and furthermore two Icelandic botanists, dr. H. Jónsson 1887 and I. Dav- íðsson M. Sc. 1942 and 1944. But practically all these investigations were made out- side my area. 4. The total number of the vascular plants I found within my area was 229 spe- cies. 11 of these plants have not previously been reported from Dalasýsla; and be- sides I found a new one to the flora of Iceland. Among these 11 species there are two which never have been observed before in West-Iceland, namely: Sparganium angustifolium Michx Ruppia maritima L. The firstmentioned species is to be found in some places in the north, east and south parts of Iceland. In Vestfirðir it occurs in one place only. On the other hand R. maritima is extremely rare; it has hitherto nowhere been found but in Lónsfjörður in Southeast-Iceland. The new species I collected was Carex pallescens L. It grew near Ytri Hrafnabjörg in Hörðudalur in a sunny slope among luxurant vegetation, about 60 meters above sea level. (See the map). 5. At the present time the flora of Dalasýsla comprises 294 species. As the total number of indigenous and naturalized plants of the Icelandic flora comprises 440 species (Hieracium and Taraxacum are excluded except two collec- tive species of Taraxacum), it appears that 63.9% of all the vascular plants which grow in Iceland occur in Dalasýsla. HEIMILDARIT. Daviðsson, Ingólfur: Nokkrir fundarstaðir jurta. — Náttúrufræðingurinn, 17. árg., 3. hefti, Reykjavxk 1947. Sami: Gróður í Suðureyjum á Breiðafirði. — Skýrsla um hið ísl. Náttúrufr.fél. 1941—1942. Reykjavík 1943. Sami: Gróðurskrá úr Dalasýslu 1944, frá Ásgarði, Saurbænum, Skarðsströnd og Fellsströnd. — Handrit. Grönlund, Chr.: Islands Flora. Kbli. 1881. Gröntved, Johs: The Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta of Iceland. — The Botany of Ice- land Vol. IV. l’art I. Copenhagen 1941. Jónsson, Helgi: Floraen paa Snæfellsnes og Omegn. — Bot. Tidskr., 22. B., 2. H. Kbh. 1899. I.axdœla. íslendingasagnaútgáfan. Rvk. 1946. Löve, Áskell: íslenzkar jurtir. Kbh. 1945. Ólafsson, Eeaert: Ferðabók Egeerts Ólafssonar og Biarna Pálssonar. Um ferðir heirra á ís- landi árin 1752-1757. Rvk 1943. 50 Flóra - tímarit um íslenzka grasafræði
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Flóra: tímarit um íslenzka grasafræði

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