Læknablaðið - 15.06.2004, Blaðsíða 23
Samband líkamlegrar þjálfunar við
þyngdarstuðul, fítumassa og gripstyrk
í íslensku þýði
Sigríður Lára
Leifur Franzson3
Ólafur Skúli
•Innkirtla og efnaskiptasjúk-
dómadeild Landspítala,
Landspítala, 3erfða- og
Fyrirspurnir og bréfaskriftir:
Prófessor Gunnar Sigurðsson,
innkirtla- og efnaskiptasjúk-
dómadeild, Landspítala
Fossvogi, 108 Reykjavík.
gunnars@landspitali. is
Lykilorð: þjálfun, þyngdar-
stuðull, gripstyrkur, fitumassi,
Tilgangur: Að kanna hversu mikla og hvers konar
líkamlega þjálfun fullorðnir Islendingar stunda og
samband þessa við holdafar og gripstyrk.
Efniviður og aðferðir: Upphaflegt úrtak var 2310
manns af höfuðborgarsvæðinu, þar af mættu 1630
(70,6%) til rannsóknarinnar á tímabilinu frá febrúar
2001 til janúar 2003 og svöruðu spurningalista um hreyf-
ingu og mataræði. Líkamssamsetning var mæld með
DXA sem greinir hlutfallslegt magn líkamsvefja.
Hæð, þyngd og gripstyrkur voru mæld og þyngdar-
stuðullinn (kg/m2) reiknaður. Astundun líkamlegrar
þjálfunar og áreynslu í vinnu voru könnuð hjá konum
og körlum í aldurshópunum 30-45 ára, 50-65 ára og
70-85 ára og samhengi þeirra við þyngdarstuðul, fitu-
og vöðvamassa og gripstyrk skoðað að teknu tilliti til
truflandi þátta. Könnuð voru möguleg fyrirbyggjandi
áhrif þjálfunar á offitu samkvæmt skilgreiningum
Alþjóðaheilbrigðismálastofnunarinnar (BMI >30,
Body Mass Index, líkamsþyngdarstuðull).
Niðurstöður: Meðaltalsástundun þjálfunar var 3-4
skipti á viku en 19% kvenna og 24% karla stunduðu
enga þjálfun. Sund, ganga og leikfimi voru almennt
algengasta þjálfunin en í hópi 30-45 ára stunduðu
16% kvenna og 8% karla styrktarþjálfun. Hlutfall
þeirra sem töldust of þungir/feitir var frá 50,4%
(yngstu konumar) til 68,2% (miðaldra karlar). Meðal-
talshlutfall fitu af líkamsmassa var hæst hjá 70-85 ára
konum (38%) og körlum (27%). Áreynsla í vinnu
var ekki tengd holdafari eða gripstyrk. Marktæk nei-
kvæð fylgni kom fram milli ástundunar þjálfunar og
fituhlutfalls að teknu tilliti til aldurs og orkuneyslu.
Ekki fannst marktæk fylgni milli gripstyrks og vöðva-
hlutfalls eða þjálfunar. Hlutfallslíkur á ofþyngd/offitu
voru helmingi minni fyrir konur og karla sem stund-
uðu þjálfun fimm daga vikunnar eða oftar miðað við
enga þjálfun.
Ályktanir: Fjórði hver karlmaður og fimmta hver
kona stunda enga reglulega líkamsþjálfun þrátt fyrir
Guðmundsdóttir SL, Óskarsdóttir D, Franzson L,
Indriðason ÓS, Sigurðsson G
The relationship between physical activity, body
mass index, body composition and grip strength in
an lcelandic population
Læknablaðið 2004; 90: 479-86
Objective: To study physical activity among lcelandic
adults and the relationship with anthropometric factors and
grip strength.
Material and methods: Randomly selected participants,
30-85 years of age, answered questions regarding exercise
and diet. Body composition was measured with DXA,
which detects the proportions of different body tissues.
Height, weight and grip strength were measured and the
body mass index (kg/m2) was calculated. The prevalence
of regular physical activity was studied for men and women
in the age groups of 30-45 years, 50-65 years and 70-
85 years and the relationship to body mass index, body
composition and grip strength examined. The possible
preventive effect of exercise on overweight and obesity
was also studied.
Results: Of 2310 invited, 1630 subjects (70.6%)
participated. Mean participation in regular physical activity
was 3-4 times a week but 19% of the women and 24%
of the men did no exercise at all. In general, swimming,
walking and calisthenics of various types and intensities
were the most common forms of exercise and in the age
group 30-45 year old 16% of the women and 8% of the
men did strength training. 50.4% of women 30-45 years
of age and 68.2% of 50-65 year old men were overweight
or obese. Mean fat mass was highest in 70-85 year old
women (38%) and men (27%). Occupational activity
was not related to body mass index, body composition
or grip strength. Significant negative relationship was
found between frequency of exercise and fat mass. The
relationship between grip strength and lean mass or
exercise was non-significant. The odds ratio of being
overweight or obesity was 0.5 (Cl was 0.37-0.77 for
women and 0.37-0.94 for men) for those who exercised
five or more days per week compared to those who
exercised less frequently.
Conclusion: One of four lcelandic men and one of five
women do not participate in regular physical activity
despite of strong scientific indications of various positive
health effects of exercise. More than half of adult
lcelanders are overweight or obese but the risk is halved
among those who exercise at least five days per week,
compared to those who exercise less frequently. Sedentary
lifestyle is more common amongst lcelanders than in the
neighboring countries and realistic goals need to be set to
increase the participation in regular physical activity.
Keywords: exercise, body mass index, grip strength, fat
mass, muscle mass.
Correspondence: Gunnar Sigurðsson,
guimars@landspitali. is
Læknablaðið 2004/90 479