

Læknablaðið - 15.12.2008, Blaðsíða 33

Læknablaðið - 15.12.2008, Blaðsíða 33
FRÆÐIGREINAR RANNSÓKNIR 24. Skinner TC, Hampson SE. Social support and personal models of diabetes in relation to self-care and well-being in adolescents with type I diabetes mellitus. J Adolesc 1998; 21: 703-15. 25. Endler NS, Parker JDA. The mulitidimensional assessment of coping: A critical evaluation: J Pers Soc Psychol 1990; 58: 844-54. 26. Rafnsson FD, Smári J, Windle M, Mears SA, Endler NS. Factor structure and psychometric characteristics of the Icelandic version of the Coping inventory for stressful situations (CISS). Pers Individ Dif 2006; 40:1247-58. 27. Bjelland I, Dahl AA, Haug TT, Neckelmann D. The validity of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: An updated literature review. J Psychosom Res 2002; 52: 69-77. 28. Sigurðardóttir AK, Benediktsson R. Reliability and validity of the Icelandic version of the problem area in diabetes (PAID) scale. Int J Nurs Stud (in print). 29. Welch GW, Jacobson AM, Polonsky WH. The problem areas in diabetes scale: An evaluation of its clinical utility. Diabetes care 1997; 20: 760-6. 30. Stefánsson JG, Kristjánsson I. Athugun á greiningarhæfni tveggja spumingarlista notaðra við hóprannsókn í geðlæknisfræði. Læknablaðið 1982; 13/Suppl.: 27-31. 31. Goldberg, D. The detection of psychiatric illness by questionnaire. Oxford University Press, London 1972. 32. Scheier MF, Carver CS, Bridges MW. Distinguishing optimism from neuroticism (and trait anxiety, self-mastery, and self-esteem): A reevaluation of the Life Orientation Test. J Pers Soc Psychol 1994; 67:1063-78. 33. Smári J, Ólason DÞ, Arnarson ÞÖ, Sigurðsson JF. Mælitæki fyrir þunglyndi fullorðinna sem til em í íslenskri gerð: próffræðilegar upplýsingar og notagildi. Sálfræðiritið 2008; 13:147-69. 34. Amarson EÖ, Ingimarsson S, Hektorsson SÖ, Georgsdóttir RS, Einarsdóttir AD, Sigurðsson H. Heilsa og líðan fólks sem greinst hefur með krabbamein. Þreifirannsókn. Læknablaðið 2007; 90/Suppl. 53:101-2. 35. Ómarsdóttir ÞM. Heilsutengdur lífsstíll og tíðni þunglyndis hjá ungu fólki með sykursýki á íslandi. Óbirt Cand.psych.- ritgerð, Háskóli íslands, Félagsvísindadeild 2007. Diabetes type 1 in young adults: The relationship between psycho-social variables, glycemic control, depression and anxiety Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether psycho-social variables, for example social support and task- and emotion-oriented coping would predict psychological and physical well being among young adults with diabetes. Material and Methods: Participants were 56 individuals in their twenties suffering from type 1 diabetes. Response rate was 78%. The participants came from the whole of lceland, 64.3% from the Greater Reykjavík area and 33.9% from rural areas. One participant did not indicate his place of residence. Self-assessment scales were used to assess depression, anxiety, task-, avoidance- and emotion- oriented coping, social support and problems relating to diabetes. Additional information was obtained from patients’ records concerning the results of blood glucose measurements (HbA1c). Results: Good social support was related to less anxiety and depression and to less self-reported problems related to having diabetes. Emotion-oriented coping was related to not feeling well and task- oriented coping to feeling better. No relationship was found between psychosocial variables and blood glucose measurements and a limited relationship between self-reported problems related to having diabetes and these measurements. Conclusions: Social support and coping are strongly related to measurements of depression, anxiety and problems related to having diabetes in the present age group. The results indicate that it is very important to teach and strengthen usage, as possible, of task-oriented coping instead of emotion-oriented coping. The results also indicate that social support is highly important for young adults with diabetes type 1. It is clear that friends and family have to be more involved in the treatment and also more educated about the disease and the importance of giving the right kind of support. Keywords: diabetes, young people, social support, coping, mood. Steinsdottir FK, Halldorsdottir H, Gudmundsdottir A, Amardottir S, Smari J, Arnarson EO. Diabetes type 1 in young adults: The relationship between psycho-social variables, glycemic control, depression and anxiety. Icel Med J 2008; 94: 823-9. Correspondence: Eiríkur Örn Arnarson, eirikur@landspitali.is > cc < 2 2 3 W X w o z Lil Barst: 27. júní 2008, - samþykkt til birtingar: 30. október 2008. LÆKNAblaðið 2008/94 829
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