

Læknablaðið - 15.09.2011, Side 15

Læknablaðið - 15.09.2011, Side 15
RANNSÓKN Heimildir 1. Burr ML, Butland BK, King S, Vaughan-Williams E. Changes in asthma prevalence: two surveys 15 years apart. Arch Dis Child 1989; 64:1452-6. 2. Ninan TK, Russell G. Respiratory symptoms and atopy in Aberdeen schoolchildren: evidence from two surveys 25 years apart. BMJ 1992; 304: 873-5. 3. Wieringa MH, Weyler JJ, Nelen VJ, et al. Prevalence of respiratory symptoms: marked differences within a small geographical area. Int J Epidemiol 1998; 27: 630-5. 4. Comtois P. The experimental research of Charles H. Blackley. Aerobiologia 1995; 11: 63-8. 5. Riedler J, Eder W, Oberfeld G, Schreuer M. Austrian children living on a farm have less hay fever, asthma and allergic sensitization. Clin Exper Allergy 2000; 30:194-200. 6. Bjamadóttir E, Gíslason D, Gíslason Þ. Algengi bráða- ofnæmis og astma meðal íslenskra læknanema. Lækna- blaðið 2001; 87: 621-4. 7. Weiland SK, von Mutius E, Hirsch T, et al. 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Þorgeirsdóttir H, Steingrímsdóttir L, Ólafsson Ö, Guðnason V. Þróun ofþyngdar og offitu meðal 45-64 ára Reykvíkinga á árunum 1975-1994. Læknablaðið 2005; 91: 115-21. 21. Gunnbjömsdóttir MI, Amenaas E, Gíslason Þ, et al. Obesity and noctumal gastro-oesophageal reflux are related to onset of asthma and respiratory symptoms. Eur Respir J 2004; 24:116-21. 22. Ólafsdóttir IS, Gíslason T, Þjóðleifsson B, et al. C-reactive protein is elevated in non-allergic but not allergic asthma - a multicentre epidemiological study. Thorax 2005; 60: 451-4. 23. Gislason T, Janson C, Vermeire P, et al. Reported gastro- oesophageal reflux during sleep and respiratory symp- toms. A population study of young adults in three European Countries. Chest 2002; 121:158-63. 24. Laerum BN, Wentzel-Larsen T, Gulsvik A, et al. Rela- tionship of fish and cod oil intake with adult asthma. Clin Exp Allergy 2007; 37:1616-23. 25. Hallsdóttir M. - www.ni.is/grodur/frjomaelingar/ samantekt - júní 2011. ENGLISH SUMMARY Prevalence of respiratory symptoms and use of asthma drugs are increasing among young adult lcelanders Sigurkarlsson S, Clausen M, Gíslason T, Gíslason D Introduction: In the year 1990 the European Community Respiratory Health Survey I (ECRHS I) demonstrated that the prevalence of these diseases was lowest in lceland (www.ecrhs.org). In order to compare the prevalence of respiratory symptoms in Reykjavik over time, a new identical cross- sectional study was performed seventeen years later. Material and methods: Both cohorts, were in the age group 20-44 years and randomly selected from the population in Reykjavik and suburbs. Both answered questionnaires about respiratory symptoms, nasal allergy and use of anti-asthmatic drugs. The second cohort was part of the EuroPrevall study (www.europrevall.org) performed in 2007. Results: Response rate was lower in 2007 (999 or 43.2%) than in 1990 (2.903 or 80.6%).The prevalence of attacks of asthma increased over time from 2.2% to 6.7% (p<0.0001), use of anti-asthmatic drugs increased from 2.4% to 7.2% (p<0.0001) and nasal allergy symptoms from 17.8% to 29.3% (p< 0.0001). There was an increase of all respiratory symptoms except wheezing or whistling, where the prevalence dropped from 18.0% to 14.4% (p<0.01). In the year 2007 women had more often been woken by attacks of coughing (p<0.0001), had more often attacks of asthma (p<0.05) and were more likely to use anti-asthmatic drugs (p<0.05) than men. Attacks of asthma and the use of anti-asthmatic drugs were more common among the younger age group in the year 2007. That was not seen in the year 1990. Conclusion: This study provides evidence of an increase in respiratory symptoms and use of anti-asthmatic drugs over a period of 17 years from 1990 among young adult lcelanders. Key words: Prevalence, asthma, ECRHS. Correspondence: Davið Gíslason, davidgis@simnet.is LÆKNAblaðið 2011/97 467



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