Uppeldi og menntun - 01.06.2015, Page 81

Uppeldi og menntun - 01.06.2015, Page 81
Uppeldi og menntUn/icelandic JoUrnal of edUcation 24(1) 2015 81 ólAFUr pál l JónssOn rEfErEnCEs Rawls, J. (1971). A theory of justice. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Sen, A. (2009). The idea of justice. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. aBOUt tHE aUtHOr Olafur Pall Jonsson (opj@hi.is) is an associate professor of philosophy at the School of Education, University of Iceland. He holds an MA-degree in philosophy from Uni- versity of Calgary, Canada, and a Ph.D.-in philosophy from MIT, Cambridge MA. Olafur Pall has published three books on philosophy Náttúra, vald og verðmæti [Nature, authority and value] (2007), Lýðræði, réttlæti og menntun [Democracy, justice and edu- cation] (2011) and Fyrirlestrar um frumspeki [Lectures on metaphysics] (2012). He has also published one book for children Fjársjóðsleit í Granada [Treasure hunt in Granada] (2014).


Uppeldi og menntun

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