Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1962, Qupperneq 88

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1962, Qupperneq 88
10 Búnaðarskýrslur 1958—60 Tafla IV A. Tala búpenings í árslok Number of livestock at the end of Sýslur og kaupstaðir districts and towns Nautgripir cattle Sauðfé S“ Geldneyti dry cattle Kálfar calves under 1 year of age Samtals total i 3 r •s 1 .h «o 0 m cn Hrútar rams Suðvesturland South- West 7 665 í 706 1 186 10 557 132 948 113 2 978 Gullbringusýsla 687 104 74 865 4 429 8 113 Kjósarsýsla 1 511 341 241 2 093 8 449 28 226 Borgarfjarðarsýsla 2 168 509 294 2 971 26 729 6 545 Mýrasýsla 1 329 275 212 1 816 33 774 30 618 Snæfellsnessýsla 909 226 182 1 317 28 662 26 690 Dalasýsla 542 172 137 851 24 432 15 588 Kaupstaðir towns1) 519 79 46 644 6 473 198 Veatfirðir Western Peninsula 1 797 372 280 2 449 59 275 139 1 502 Austur-Barðastrandarsýsla 193 51 47 291 9 284 10 228 Vestur-Barðastrandarsýsla 357 61 40 458 10 352 12 227 Vestur-ísafjarðarsýsla 353 57 62 472 10 387 13 252 Norður-ísafjarðarsýsla 487 124 66 677 11 571 104 244 Strandasýsla 374 76 63 513 17 256 - 525 Kaupstaður town1) 33 3 2 38 425 26 Norðurland North 11 216 2 198 1 789 15 203 218 770 234 4 806 Vestur-Húnavatnssýsla 741 160 140 1 041 30 174 40 691 Austur-Húnavatnssýsla 1 331 272 220 1 823 38 581 27 907 Skagafjarðarsýsla 1 932 490 207 2 629 47 665 39 1 020 Eyjafjarðarsýsla 3 952 641 629 5 222 29 965 47 743 Suður-Þingeyjarsýsla 2 302 426 397 3 125 36 213 35 791 Norður-Þingeyjarsýsla 363 63 75 501 27 584 41 461 Kaupstaðir towns1) 595 146 121 862 8 588 5 193 Austurland East 2 206 534 718 3 458 112 819 427 1 950 Norður-Múlasýsla 792 166 254 1 212 54 512 84 922 Suður-Múlasýsla 972 220 312 1 504 40 986 114 776 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla 401 145 150 696 15 521 228 223 Kaupstaðir towns1) 41 3 2 46 1 800 1 29 Suðurland South 12 255 2 406 1 694 16 355 135 570 763 2 592 Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla 906 211 159 1 276 29 634 429 503 Rangárvallasýsla 4 781 1 060 622 6 463 43 436 79 886 Árnessýsla 6 391 1 108 895 8 394 61 907 255 1 188 Kaupstaður town1) 177 27 18 222 593 ~ 15 Allt landið Iceland 35 139 7 216 5 667 48 022 659 382 1676 13 828 Þar af ÍSýslur districts 33 774 6 958 5 478 46 210 641 503 1 670 13 367 o/ this \Kaupataðir toicns 1 365 258 189 1 812 17 879 6 461 1) Sjó neðanmálagreinar við töflu I see notes to Tabls I. Ðúnaðarskýrslur 1958—60 u 1958, eftir sýslum. Allir framteljendur. 1958, by districts. All possessors. eep Geitfé goats Hroaa horses Loðdýr furred animals Alifuglar poultry ti 34 :« ■S'S' 3 *s ll \C V© u cn n. Gemlingar lambs under 1 year of age Samtals total bt C o c :fi ■ 3 £ W ’o 'o’ Hryssur 4 vetra og eldri mares 3 years of age and over p evj u Til i-s r* 2 [3 -** O 5 1 * O 5 T « c •o 3 * 2.8 £ U* o* Samtals total Refir foxes Minkar minks Hœnsni chickens ■ Endur ducks 1 •S j 22 952 158 991 3 298 2 123 613 291 6 325 55 500 137 36 600 1 022 5 572 - 71 16 12 7 106 - - 7 501 - - 411 1 689 10 392 - 205 128 41 21 395 - - 14 047 30 14 21 4 046 31 326 - 827 617 170 80 1 694 - - 1 721 7 _ _ 5 055 39 477 - 788 603 180 83 1 654 - _ 914 — _ _ 4 363 33 741 - 484 283 90 43 900 - _ 1 403 - _ - 5 466 30 501 - 530 415 107 47 1 099 - - 455 - 2 — 1 311 7 982 - 393 61 13 10 477 - - 29 459 100 20 168 9 233 70 149 _ 686 281 76 27 1 070 _ 5 404 3 _ _ 1 440 10 962 - 146 38 2 1 187 - - 238 - — - 1 776 12 367 - 60 11 - 2 73 - _ 679 - _ - 1 627 12 279 - 70 39 9 5 123 - - 1 032 - - - 1 961 13 880 - 155 78 16 12 261 - - 1 976 - _ _ 2 368 20 149 - 251 115 49 7 422 - - 1 272 3 — _ 61 512 4 ~ - 4 - - 207 - - - 30 345 254 155 71 5 345 5 933 1 215 548 13 041 _ _ 14 954 22 47 78 4 218 35 123 - 911 1 326 251 158 2 646 - - 661 - 11 - 5 481 44 996 - 1 258 1 814 308 134 3 514 - _ 1 451 10 10 _ 5 578 54 302 - 1 751 2 077 394 160 4 382 - - 1 071 - 12 2 4 437 35 192 - 506 373 158 50 1 087 - - 5 047 12 14 36 5 563 42 602 16 400 168 59 22 649 - - 2 912 - - 3 3 567 31 653 55 255 76 12 12 355 - - 744 - - - 1 501 10 287 264 99 33 12 408 - - 3 068 - - 37 15 411 130 607 21 820 725 187 69 1 801 _ _ 6 852 11 48 4 7 170 62 688 11 445 344 79 27 895 - - 2 306 - - - 5 800 47 676 10 229 213 60 15 517 - - 3 125 11 48 4 2 083 18 055 140 162 47 27 376 - _ 919 - - - 358 2 188 - 6 6 1 - 13 502 - - - 21744 160 669 _ 3 629 3 447 1 249 471 8 796 _ _ 13 515 _ _ 90 3 777 34 343 - 403 173 96 17 689 - - 1 258 - _ - 6 528 50 929 - 1 576 2 239 725 285 4 825 - - 3 124 _ — - 11 301 74 651 - 1 646 1 035 428 169 3 278 - - 7 278 - - 90 138 746 - 4 - - 4 - - 1 855 - - - 99 685 774 571 92 13 778 12 509 3 340 1 406 31 033 - - 96 225 173 131 772 96 316 752 856 92 13 107 12 343 3 293 1 384 30 127 _ _ 61 134 73 111 567 3 369 21 715 671 166 47 22 906 35 091 100 20 205
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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