Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1962, Qupperneq 90

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1962, Qupperneq 90
12 Búnaðarskýrslur 1958—60 Búnað arskýrslur 1958—60 13 Tafla IV B. Tala búpenings í árslok Number of livestock at the end of 1958, eftir sýslum. Bændur aðeins. 1958, by districts. Farmers only. Tranalation of headinga: See Talbe IV A. Sýslur og kaupstaðir districts and towns Nnutgripir Sandfé •3 Hrou Loðdýr Alifuglar ■3 8 >a a3 'o 2 « f ! cn v & Geldneyti h «2 við X Samtals 3 Sauðir a S bt 3 1 <s Samtals Hestar 4 v. og eldri > II i: W o Tryppi 2—3 vetra 2 ■jo o U* to *5 a 8 cn Refir Minkar Hænsni Endur s o Suðvesturland South- West 7 486 1 678 1 165 10 329 106 729 101 2 418 17 910 127 158 2 413 1 768 528 243 4 952 31 257 67 16 226 Gullbringusýsla 672 104 71 847 3 770 8 85 808 4 671 - 61 12 9 5 87 - - 6 156 _ — 62 Kjósarsýsla 1 487 339 238 2 064 7 487 28 207 1 494 9 216 - 185 118 37 18 358 - - 11 094 30 14 21 Borgarfjarðarsýsla 2 152 503 291 2 946 23 527 3 503 3 463 27 496 - 689 538 152 71 1 450 - _ 1 653 7 - - Mýrasýsla 1 311 273 211 1 795 28 861 30 548 4 140 33 579 - 640 483 150 67 1 340 - - 796 _ - - Snæfellsnessýsla 854 219 174 1 247 21 904 21 509 3 309 25 743 - 374 252 81 37 744 - - 1 174 _ _ - Dalasýsla 525 163 134 822 19 856 11 519 4 388 24 774 - 421 343 94 43 901 - - 444 - 2 - Kaupstaðir towns1) 485 77 46 608 1 324 47 308 1 679 43 22 5 2 72 - - 9 940 30 - 143 Vestfirðir Western Peninsula 1 681 353 270 2 304 48 515 136 1 307 7 582 57 540 _ 599 242 60 26 927 _ 4 024 3 _ _ Austur-Barðastrandarsýsla 173 45 44 262 7 040 9 194 1 099 8 342 - 115 30 2 1 148 — _ 215 _ — _ Vestur-Barðastrandarsýsla 343 58 40 441 8 820 11 204 1 563 10 598 - 48 10 - 2 60 _ _ 548 _ _ _ Vestur-ísafjarðarsýsla 346 57 61 464 9 332 13 238 1 444 11 027 - 68 37 9 5 119 - - 626 _ _ - Norður-ísafjarðarsýsla 467 121 64 652 9 230 103 200 1 562 11 095 - 142 70 12 11 235 - - 1 740 - - - Strandasýsla 331 71 59 461 14 024 - 467 1 897 16 388 - 224 95 37 7 363 - - 838 3 - - Kaupstaður town1) 21 1 2 24 69 4 17 90 - 2 - 2 - 57 - - Norðurland North 10 632 2 120 1 719 14 471 178 354 173 4147 24 089 206 763 62 4 279 4 727 1 011 465 10 482 _ _ 11 359 22 40 78 Vestur-Húnavatnssýsla 684 154 129 967 24 789 33 610 3 427 28 859 - 751 1 063 206 139 2 159 - - 601 _ 11 - Austur-Húnavatnssýsla 1 267 262 209 1 738 31 272 27 767 4 391 36 457 - 1 015 1 438 261 111 2 825 - - 1 192 10 10 - Skagafjarðarsýsla 1 808 466 198 2 472 38 557 28 888 4 297 43 770 - 1 407 1 647 319 136 3 509 - _ 978 - 11 2 Eyjafjarðarsýsla 3 830 630 619 5 079 24 894 12 673 3 517 29 096 - 448 322 140 44 954 - - 4 233 12 8 36 Suður-Þingeyjarsýsla 2 242 420 386 3 048 32 853 34 749 5 030 38 666 7 367 156 55 21 599 _ - 2 838 - - 3 Norður-Þingeyjarsýsla 306 61 73 440 24 074 37 418 3 143 27 672 55 230 69 12 12 323 - - 704 - - - Kaupstaðir towns1) 495 127 105 727 1 915 2 42 284 2 243 - 61 32 18 2 113 - - 813 - - 37 Austurland East 1 926 509 689 3 124 88 868 364 1 686 11 737 102 655 21 678 602 150 56 1 486 _ _ 4 707 11 48 4 Norður-Múlasýsla 696 155 245 1 096 43 519 69 813 5 437 49 838 11 371 279 58 24 732 _ _ 1 812 - - - Suður-Múlasýsla 840 212 295 1 347 32 512 104 666 4 592 37 874 10 197 192 51 11 451 - - 2 262 11 48 4 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla 379 141 148 668 12 466 190 199 1 654 14 509 - 108 129 40 21 298 - - 568 - - - Kaupstaðir totvns*) 11 1 1 13 371 1 8 54 434 - 2 2 1 - 5 - - 65 - - - Suðurland South 12 034 2 368 1 670 16 072 118 183 584 2 365 18 546 139 678 _ 3 068 3 038 1 098 422 7 626 _ _ 9 411 _ _ 89 Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla 885 208 154 1 247 22 609 321 421 2 764 26 115 - 313 148 69 14 544 - - 1 053 - - _ Rangárvallasýsla 4 739 1 051 618 6 408 39 316 73 849 5 832 46 070 - 1 321 1 965 639 252 4 177 - - 2 274 _ - _ Árnessýsla 6 252 1 086 883 8 221 56 224 190 1 094 9 931 67 439 - 1 432 925 390 156 2 903 - - 6 084 - - 89 Kaupstaður town1) 158 23 15 196 34 - 1 19 54 - 2 - - - 2 - - - - - - Allt landið Iceland 33 759 7 028 5 513 46 300 540 649 1 358 11923 79 864 633 794 83 11 037 10 377 2 847 1 212 25 473 - - 60 758 103 104 397 Þar af ÍSýslur districts 32 589 6 799 5 344 44 732 536 936 1 355 11 821 79 182 629 294 83 10 927 10 321 2 823 1 208 25 279 _ 49 883 73 104 217 of this (Kaupstaðir towns 1 170 229 169 1 568 3 713 3 102 682 4 500 " 110 56 24 4 194 ~ “ 10 875 30 — 180 1) Sjá neðanmálBgreinar við töflu I aee noles to Table I 2
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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