Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1962, Qupperneq 112

Hagskýrslur um landbúnað - 01.01.1962, Qupperneq 112
34 Ðúnaðarskýrslur 1958—60 Tafla VIII A. Búsafurðir árið 1958, eftir sýslum. Allir fram Sýslur og kaupstaðir districts and towns Mjólk milk Sauðfé fargað1) sheep slaughtered and sold Heimanotað used on the farm Seld sold 100 kg Utan heimilis outside the farm Lömb lambs Ær ewes h 5 31, •J-I í cn *§ 2 Veturgamalt I year old, head ? I-S iiljf P.s S2 Til fóðurs for feeding of animals 100 kg *T3 O « -C 2*e 3! f c «3 S a -c Z 1*3 2 s 2 Ol’íí T3 c • 2 <81 Mylkar milch, head 9 u « a -c •O • 31“ Suðvcsturland South- West 36 243 4 166 159 720 1 116 100 949 1 428 4 938 608 156 588 Gullbringusýsla 2 785 279 15 811 118 1 751 14 52 29 9 29 Kjósarsýsla 3 038 860 38 687 44 5 577 135 104 4 12 - Borgarfjarðarsýsla 5 431 1 075 51 156 73 23 152 181 912 94 23 34 Mýrasýsla 4 711 611 27 999 566 27 007 583 958 160 20 90 Snæfellsnessýsla 9 086 617 12 125 213 22 650 312 1 666 248 60 151 Dalasýsla 9 475 250 2 213 57 17 893 129 1 171 28 31 280 Kaupstaðir towns1) 1 717 474 11 729 45 2 919 74 75 45 1 4 Vestfirðir Western Peninsula ... 22 935 1 755 22 122 1 620 49 200 543 2 675 164 154 347 Austur-Ðarðastrandarsýsla ... 4 223 294 216 460 7 936 - 491 43 13 32 Vestur-Barðastrandarsýsla ... 4 138 389 3 866 25 8 297 96 428 12 23 24 Vestur-ísafjarðarsýsla 3 586 320 5 862 31 9 231 186 496 14 19 104 Norður-ísafjarðarsýsla 3 053 441 9 806 1 044 7 427 90 458 52 55 39 Strandasýsla 7 719 303 1 709 50 16 237 171 801 43 44 148 Kaupstaður town1) 216 8 663 10 72 “ 1 - “ Norðurland North 66 478 6 555 229 065 549 219 400 1 215 13 744 1264 391 1 031 Vestur-Húnavatnssýsla 8 601 254 8 169 86 28 423 239 2 196 267 77 111 Austur-Húnavatnssýsla 7 674 445 25 682 93 36 832 223 2 912 82 60 123 Skagafjarðarsýsla 15 370 1 456 31 305 148 46 316 365 3 654 216 67 242 Eyjafjarðarsýsla 9 940 2 169 100 567 52 30 442 160 1 554 132 50 87 Suður-Þingeyjarsýsla 14 783 1 318 48 548 88 43 355 128 1 981 289 71 253 Norður-Þingeyjarsýsla 7 469 394 888 66 29 877 90 1 121 269 58 190 Kaupstaðir towns1) 2 641 519 13 906 16 4 155 10 326 9 8 25 Austurland East 36 487 2 822 15 093 202 101 315 506 2 474 785 137 327 Norður-Múlasýsla 16 588 862 1 052 61 51 852 447 731 628 54 94 Suður-Múlasýsla 14 121 1 531 8 250 44 34 461 24 1 019 144 31 177 Austur-Skaftafellssýsla 5 553 416 5 071 74 14 188 24 689 13 52 56 Kaupstaðir towns1) 225 13 720 23 814 11 35 — — — Suðurland South 31 047 5 656 298 989 233 110 108 1 167 2 264 138 93 113 Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla 9 351 919 13 202 4 25 797 175 876 20 34 30 Rangárvallasýsla 9 625 1 837 112 596 24 37 627 564 495 19 14 36 Árnessýsla 11 925 2 822 168 500 205 46 670 428 893 99 45 45 Kaupstaður town1) 146 78 4 691 - 14 - 2 Allt landið Iceland 193 190 20 954 724 989 3 720 580 972 4 859 26 095 2 959 931 2 406 Þar af í Sýslur districts 188 245 19 861 693 280 3 626 572 998 4 764 25 658 2 905 922 2 375 of this \ Kaupstaðir towns 4 945 1 093 31 709 94 7 974 95 437 54 9 31 1) Sjá ncðaamálsgreinar við töflu I see notes to Table I. 2) Geitur ekki meðtaldar. Þær eru gefnar upp neðanmáls við Búnaðarskýrslur 1958—60 35 leiðendur. Livestock products 1958, by districts. All producers. "o 5 “ Nautgripir fargað cattle slaughtered and sold Hroaa fargað horses slaughtered and sold a g 8 . IJ 6C &C tc c e "5 e •> ► .* cn c. 4 3 C 1 tt> Jf Alifuglar fargað poultry slaughtered, head Vanhöld loss of j Heima on the farm 2 8 U -e sk g tJ e ■c Js c h O-c i 1 1= "O >= c • o bc*e ®-3 a m * c 5» **e > o -c 1—3 vetra 1—2 years old, head Folöld colts and fillies under ] year, head £ 8 •5 ■o-e a S cnc Í .% .2* tc s -o e e *-C 3 3 o •C Ji o -e ja *T 11 3 ® Fullorðið fullgrown, head \ 9 508 3 546 201 496 1 098 487 5 208 482 66 549 1 330 6 368 096 27403 4 201 137 64 1 338 254 6 911 119 31 580 12 1 - 803 863 165 605 215 21 2 841 266 14 699 261 57 1 177 44 6 8 46 1 465 245 11965 256 32 4 950 851 39 781 258 85 1 526 141 24 140 _ 173 588 45 750 35 20 1 255 822 45 897 173 92 851 131 22 205 — 91 730 - 1 220 23 22 1 749 798 45 147 137 94 475 86 4 85 _ 106 907 _ 1 041 14 11 509 439 38 754 86 103 213 55 9 108 _ 22 505 12 668 10 5 2 866 116 10 307 64 25 386 13 - 3 481 3 644 956 14 776 51 2 - 6 604 3 224 93 805 297 175 1 109 98 3 25 _ 433 908 30 2 172 27 14 368 351 13 810 31 33 107 17 _ 2 _ 4 340 _ 332 2 2 994 614 16 461 35 16 198 13 - - _ 59 488 30 435 7 _ 1 396 937 17 079 78 30 251 21 - 1 _ 112 298 _ 417 13 7 1 668 697 14 533 90 38 345 16 _ 1 _ 158 665 _ 399 1 3 1 858 611 31 572 61 58 181 31 3 21 — 80 497 — 589 4 2 320 14 350 2 - 27 - - - - 18 620 - - - - 12 944 11 580 352 597 1 650 603 7 988 977 146 3 191 498 1 474 287 1 337 8 053 195 168 238 906 48 455 97 99 474 149 22 810 — 33 438 — 989 18 47 679 1 257 58 559 209 117 1 005 246 49 1 201 10 89 915 _ 1 451 17 56 1 143 1 932 76 090 273 137 1 434 396 58 1 151 4 89 450 2 1 908 19 49 3 838 2 164 52 833 594 86 2 895 87 7 15 80 568 173 314 1 061 81 14 1 072 2 707 59 009 323 113 1 541 60 3 1 11 290 021 321 1 127 49 2 625 1 564 46 272 62 42 214 38 7 _ 12 58 190 _ 1 312 5 _ 5 349 1 050 11 379 92 9 425 1 - 13 381 345 100 700 205 6 - 4 441 6 808 175 128 365 394 1108 174 11 31 40 522 596 276 5 084 73 22 688 3 074 81 603 135 161 442 98 2 2 _ 161 160 _ 2 748 39 16 2 282 2 348 64 131 152 165 443 57 6 29 40 240 149 - 1 776 18 5 735 1 284 26 899 75 68 205 19 3 - - 70 487 276 515 16 1 736 102 2 495 3 - 18 - - - - 50 800 - 45 - - 8 057 5 901 212 269 1 751 476 9 072 728 80 1 556 251 1 297 613 108 5 499 197 94 867 2 089 48 924 134 80 626 69 3 16 - 67 018 - 890 11 2 2 373 1 521 65 405 738 277 3 643 407 49 1 482 _ 243 340 108 1 337 60 40 4 318 2 252 97 375 866 109 4 680 252 28 58 251 780 880 _ 3 266 126 50 499 39 565 13 10 123 - - - - 206 375 - 6 - 2 41 554 31 059 1035 295 5 161 2 135 24 485 2 459 306 5 352 2 119 10 096 500 29154 25 009 629 362 31 784 29 738 1010199 4 987 2 091 23 506 2 445 306 5 336 1 257 5 830 649 13 678 24 702 621 360 9 770 1 321 25 096 174 44 979 14 - 16 862 4 265 851 15 476 307 8 2 VIII B, enda koma þær aðeins fyrir hjá bændum. Svo er eins í töflum IX A og B og X A ogB.
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Hagskýrslur um landbúnað

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