Gripla - 01.01.2003, Blaðsíða 105
studied, our interpretation must take all relevant editorial activities into
account, whether intratextual or intertextual. When we know that a particular
redactor of Oláfs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta added Norna-Gests þáttr and
Helga þáttr Þórissonar to his copy, putting them right next to each other and
linking them with a forward reference, we would be well advised to at least
try reading them as a pair. We may also note they were the only þættir he
added (Olafur Halldórsson 1993:449b), and so they form a significant part of
his editorial project. Jón Þórðarson added six þættir when he expanded Oláfs
saga Tryggvasonar en mesta, possibly making Sörla þáttr and Þorsteins þáttr
uxafóts elements of a larger textual cycle (Rowe forthcoming), but in any
event their parallel locations in the matrix saga and the genealogical
relationship of their protagonists similarly suggest that they should not be read
in isolation. What we leam from Flateyjarbók applies not just to the
fornaldarsögur but to all genres: the generic affiliation of a text must be
established case by case, if not manuscript by manuscript.
Binns, Alan L. 1953-1957. The Story of Þorsteinn Uxafót. Saga Book XIV:36-60.
Boyer, Régis. 1998. Les sagas légendaires. Les Belles Lettres, Paris.
Ciklamini, Marlene. 1968. Joumeys to the Giant Kingdom. SS 40:95-110.
Clunies Ross, Margaret. 1983. Snorri Sturluson’s use of the Norse origin-legend of the
sons of Fomjótr in his Edda. ANF 98:47-66.
Clunies Ross, Margaret. 1992. Mythic narrative in Saxo Grammaticus and Snorri
Sturluson. Saxo Grammaticus. Tra storiografia e letteratura, Bevagna, 27-29 set-
tembre 1990:47-59. Ed. Carlo Santini. I Convegni di Classiconorroena 1. II Cal-
amo, Rome.
Flateyjarbók I—III. 1860-1868. Eds. Guðbrandur Vigfússon and C. R. Unger. Christi-
Fornaldar Sögur Nordrlanda eptir gömlum handritum I—III. 1829-1830. Ed. Carl
Christian Rafn. Copenhagen.
Fornaidar sögur Norðurlanda I—III. 1943-1944. Utg. Guðni Jónsson and Bjami Vil-
hjálmsson. Fomi, Reykjavík.
Fornaldar sögur Norðurlanda I-IV. 1950. Utg. Guðni Jónsson. Islendingasagnaútgáfan,
Hamer, Andrew. 1973. Legendary Fiction in Flateyjarbók. Proceedings of the First
International Saga Conference, University of Edinburgh 7977:184-211. Eds. Pet-
er G. Foote, Hermann Pálsson and Desmond Slay. Viking Society for Northem
Research, London.
Harðar saga. 1991. Útg. Þórhallur Vilmundarson and Bjami Vilhjálmsson. IF XIII. Hið
íslenzka fomritafélag, Reykjavík.