Peningamál - 01.03.2005, Side 97

Peningamál - 01.03.2005, Side 97
RÁÐGÁTUR Á V INNUMARKAÐI P E N I N G A M Á L 2 0 0 5 • 1 97 Albæk, K. og H. Hansen (2004). The Rise in Danish Unemployment: Reallocation or Mismatch?, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 66, 4 , 515-536. Arnór Sighvatsson, Már Guðmundsson og Þórarinn G. Pétursson (2000). Optimal Exchange Rate Policy: The Case of Iceland, Central Bank of Iceland Working paper nr. 8. Ásgeir Jónsson og Sigurður Jóhannesson (2002). Sveigjanleiki á vinnumarkaði og upptaka evrunnar, Rit SA 2002. Bernanke, B. (2003). The Jobless Recovery, ræða haldin á ráðstefnunni The Global Economic and Investment Outlook, Carnegie Mellon University 2003. Blanchard, O. og F. Giavazzi (2003). Macroeconomic effects of regulation and deregulation in goods and labor markets, Quarterly Journal of Economics 118, nr 3, 879-907. Lilja Mósesdóttir (2004). Policies shaping employment, skills and gender equality in the Icelandic labour market. WELLKNOW National report. Nickell, S. (1999). Product markets and labour markets, Labour Economics 6,1-20. Nickell, S. og R. Layard (1999). Labor market institutions and economic perform- ance í bókinni Handbook of Labor Economics, vol 3.c. Ritstj. Ashenfelter, O.C. og Card, D. Nickell, S., J. Vainiomaki og S. Wadhawani (1994). Wages, unions and product market power, Economica 61, 457-474. Nicoletti, G. o.fl. (2001). Product and labour markets interactions in OECD countries, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, nr. 312. Nicoletti, G. og S. T. Scarpetta (2002). Regulation, Productivity, and Growth: OECD Evidence. Erindi flutt á 36th Economic Policy panel meeting (Kaup- mannahöfn, október 2002) OECD Economic Outlook No. 73 (júní 2003) Kafli V. Structual Policies and Growth. OECD Economic Surveys, Iceland ár hvert 1994 til 2005. Solow, R. M. (1997). What is Labour-Market Flexibility? What is it Good for? Keynes Lecture in Economics. Proceedings of the British Academy, 97. 1998, 198-211. Stewart, M. B. (1990). Union wage differentials, product market influences and the division of rents. Economic Journal 100, 1122-1137. Wall, H. J. og Gylfi Zoega (2002). The British Beveridge curve: A tale of ten regions, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 64, 3, 257-276.
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