Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.06.2006, Síða 56

Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.06.2006, Síða 56
RÁÐSTEFNUR International Nursing Congress: Knowledge, leadership and management 25.-27. maí 2006 Zagreb, Króatíu www.hums.hr/ Perioperative Care: On the Shores of Excellence European Operating Room Nurses Association (EORNA) 25.-28. maí 2006 Dublin, írlandi www.eornac.com 8th Global Conference of the International Federation on Ageing 30. maí - 2. júní 2006 Kaupmannahöfn, Danmörku www.global-ageing.dk/ 28th Annual International Association for Human Caring Conference 31. maí - 3. júní 2006 Fremantle, Ástralíu www.iahc2006.com/register.html Resourcing Global Health An International Multi-Disciplinary Conference Glasgow, Skotlandi 7.-9. júní 2006 www.whocc.gcal.ac.uk/conf_2006 8th World Congress for Nurse Anesthetilists Lausanne, Sviss 10. -13. júní 2006 9th International Congress on Nursing Informatics „Consumer-centered, Computer- supported Care for Healthy People" Seúl, Kóreu 11. -14. júní 2006 www.ni2006.org Harvard School of Public Health hosts a short course 19.-30. júní 2006 Boston, Massachusetts, Bandaríkjunum www.hsph.harvard.edu/ihsg/training.html International Workshop, Center for Information and Communication Technologies 19.-20. júní 2006 Kaupmannahöfn, Danmörku www.nordic.net/ ICN International Nurse Practitioner/ Advanced Practice Nursing Network Conference 28.-30. júní 2006 Jóhannesarborg, Suður-Afríku ICN-apnetwork.org/ EHMA Annual Conference 2006 28.-30. júní 2006 Búdapest, Ungverjalandi www.emk.sote.hu/ First European Nursing Forum 28.-30. júní 2006 Lyon, Frakklandi www.fiev.org/ ICNE conference: „The globalization of nursing: ethical, legal and political issues" 10.-11. júlí 2006 Guildford, Bretlandi www.surrey.ac.uk/ Advanced Health Leadership Forum 14.-21. júlí 2006 Barcelona, Spáni Heimasíða: ahlf.berkeley.edu/ The 2nd International Congress of lASSID-Europe 2.-5. ágúst 2006 Maastricht, Hollandi www.unimaas.nl/congressbureau/e- iasid2006/ 2nd International Conference on Nursing Science and HIV/Aids 10.-11. ágúst 2006 Toronto, Kanada www.aidsnursingucsf.org/ XVI International Research and Development Conference 23.-25. ágúst 2006 Árósum, Danmörku www.aaa.dk 35th EDTNA/ERCA conference Prevention, Care and Management of Renal Disease 8.-11. september 2006 Madrid, Spáni www.edtna-erca.org LOFT 2006 Ráðstefna um tóbaksvarnir Reykjanesbæ, íslandi 14.-15. september 2006 www.congress.is/loft2006 14th International Conference on Cancer Nursing 27. september - 1. október 2006 Toronto, Kanada www.isncc.org First WENR Scientific Symposium 4.-5. október 2006 Obesity as a Threat to Health Kaupmannahöfn, Danmörku www.wenr.org XV IFTA World Congress 4.-7. október 2006 Reykjavík, íslandi www.ifta2006.org „Leaping Ahead to Improve Neonatal Care“ 7.-8. október 2006 Ohio, Bandaríkjunum Susan.ludington@case.edu 54 Tímarit hjúkrunarfræöinga - 2. tbl. 82. árg. 2006


Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga

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