Ráðunautafundur - 15.02.1994, Page 89
Heimildimar eru erindi eða veggspjöld (yfirlit) frá alþjóðlegum fræðafundi um hrossarækt við köld skilyrði,
sem haldin vará Hótel Sögu 11.-12. ágúst, 1993:
Austbö, Dag & Hege Gonsholt, 1993. Results Ifom analysis of hay in Norway, with special reference to
energy-, protein- and mineralcontent.
Gonsholt, Hege & Dag Austbö, 1993. Yearlings on mountain pasture. Body weight gain, and protein- and
mineral content in pasture.
Ólafur Guðmundsson, 1993. Growth performance of Icelandic mares and their foals grazing lowland mire.
Ólafur Guðmundsson & Ólafur R. Dýrmundsson, 1993. Horse grazing under cold and wet conditions: a
Sigþrúður Jónsdóttir, 1993. Interaction of sheep and horses at pasture.
Borgþór Magnússon & Sigurður H. Magnússon, 1993. Grazing effects and plant preferences of horses on a
drained mire in Iceland.
Jóhann Magnússon & Anna Guðrún Þórhallsdóttir, 1993. Horse grazing in north of Iceland - behaviour and
habitat selection.
Martin-Rosset, W., M. Vermorel, M. Doreau, J. L. Tisserand & J. Andrieu, 1993. New feeding standards for
energy and protein in horses.
Saamoinen, M.T., 1993. Winter feeding of horses with preserved feeds and some indusírial byproducts - a