Læknablaðið - 01.07.2018, Blaðsíða 22
346 LÆKNAblaðið 2018/104
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Barst til blaðsins 25. október 2017, samþykkt til birtingar 26. júní 2018.
Ragnhildur Hauksdóttir1,4
Þórður Þórkelsson1,2,3
Gestur Pálsson1,2,3
Ragnheiður I. Bjarnadóttir1,2,4
Perinatal mortality refers to stillbirth and neonatal death
during the first week of life. Recently perinatal mortality rate
in Iceland has been among the lowest in the world. The aim
of the study was to evaluate how perinatal mortality rate and
its causes have changed in Iceland during the last 30 years,
particularly to see if it is possible to lower the perinatal
mortality rate even more.
Cases and methods
The study was retrospective and included all infants that
were stillborn or died during the first week of life in 1988-
2017. Information was obtained from the Icelandic Medical
Birth Registry, the annual reports on births in Iceland. A
classification focusing on identifying groups of perinatal
death that are potentially avoidable was used. An annual
percent change was calculated with Poisson regression.
The perinatal mortality rate declined on average by 3,3%
per year in the period based on ≥28+0 weeks gestation. The
number of infants that died because of congenital anomalies
decreased on average by 4,8% per year. The number of
growth restricted stillborn singletons after ≥28+0 weeks of
gestation decreased on average by 3,1% per year. The num-
ber of non growth restricted stillborn singletons after ≥28+0
weeks of gestation did not decrease significantly.
Perinatal mortality rate has declined substantially in Iceland
during 30 years. Deaths because of congenital anom-
alies have decreased considerably due to improvement
in prenatal diagnosis. Stillbirths associated with growth
restriction have decreased but stillbirths that are not associ-
ated with growth restriction have not. Thus it is important to
emphasize that women seek medical attention when they
experience decreased fetal movements.
Perinatal mortality in Iceland 1988-2017
1Landspítali University Hospital, 2Faculty of Medicine – University of Iceland, 3Childrens hospital – Landspítali University Hospital, 4department of
obstetrics and gynecology – Landspítali University Hospital.
Key words: perinatal mortality, stillbirth, congenital anomaly, asphyxia, Nordic Baltic Perinatal Death Classification.
Correspondence: Ragnheiður I. Bjarnadóttir, ragnhib@landspitali.is