Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1970, Side 20

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1970, Side 20
18 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSOKNIR increments at both sites but potash only little at Korpúlfsstaðir and none in Þykkvibær. There was also a strong positive interaction between nitrogen and phosphorus on total yield and quantity of saleable potatoes at the two sites beyond the lowest fertilizer rates. Potash and the highest rate of nitrogen seemed to lower dry matter a little. To produce good yields 200—250 kg N per hectare are necessary in the sandy soil at Þykkvibær ancl 100—200 kg N per lrectare at Korpúlfsstaðir. At both sites 300—350 kg P203 per hectare seem necessary. Although there was only small influence of potash the recommendation is to use potash in about equal quantity with phosphorus to reduce the risk of aftercooking blackening. The influence of potash remains, however, to be investigated further. HEIMILDARRIT REFERENCES Birch, J. A., Devine, J. R., Holmes, M. R. J-, WlTHEAR, J. D., 1967: Field experiments on the fertilizer requirements of maincrop potatoes. /. agric. Sci. Camb. 69, 13—24. Boyd, D. A., 1961: Current fertilizer practice in relation to manurial requirements. Proc. Fertil. Soc. No. 65. Boyd, D. A., Dermott, W„ 1967: Fertilizer requirements of potatoes in relation to kind of soil and soil analysis. J. Sci. Fd. Agric. 18, 85-89. Cooke, G. W„ 1967: The Control of Soil Fer- tility. Crosby Lockwood and Son, London, bls. 322. COOKE, G. W„ WlDDOWSON, F. V„ VlLCOX, J- C„ 1957: The value of midseason top dress- ings of nitrogen fertilizer for main-crop potaoes. /. Agric. Soc. 49, 81—87. Dickins, J. C„ Harrap, F. E„ Holmes, M. R. J„ 1962: Field experiments comparing the effects of muriate and sulphate of pot- ash on potato yield and quality. /. Agric. Sci. Camb. 59, 319—326. Herlihy, M„ Carroll, P. J„ 1969: Effects of N, P and K and their interactions on yield, tuber blight and quality of potatoes. /. Sci. Fd. Agric. 20, 513-517. IviNS, J. D„ 1963: Agronomic management of the potato. í bókinni: The Growth of the Potato. Butterworths, London, bls. 306. JOHANSSON, O., 1967: Potato fertility. Váxt. Ndr-nytt, 23, 22—26 (sjá: Soils and Fer- tilizers 1967, 30, 3849). KÚRTEN, P. W„ Burghardt, H„ 1959: The importance of phosphorus and potassium for the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizing in potato cultivation (á þýzku). Phosphor- saure, 19, 1—15. Ontario Department of Agriculture, 1966: Po- tato production in Ontario. Publ. No. 534, bls. 47.


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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