Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1970, Side 51

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1970, Side 51
landgræðslutilraun á sprengisandi 49 seeding a Danish strain o£ Festuca rubra (30 kg/hectare) in 1,964 m2 plots and applying fertilizer corresponding to 350 kg ammonium nitrate, 350 kg triple superphosphate and 100 kg potassium chloride per hectare for the following eight years. Annually the vegetation was measured and the increase of species and numbers of plants recorded. The seeding of Festuca rubra failed, but some of the native plants of the area were stimulated by tlie fertilizer. And at the end of the eight year period both grasses and broad leaf plants had occupied the previously bare plot, and the vegetation covered, by then, 70—80% of its suríace. The experiment in- dicates that by fertilization alone it seems possible to improve the native vegeta- tion on this desert. The mat of vegetation resulting from the cultivation will increase the waterretention of the land and check movement of the erosive sand surface and will thus stabilize the Thjórsá waterbasin. This will in turn de- crease the rate of silting in the river and should be beneficial for the production of hydro electric power. The improved vegetation of the wasteland may also be used as a summer pasture for sheep and will furthermore be of advantage for geese and other members of the district’s fauna. HEIMILDARRIT Bruun, Daniel, 1902: Sprengisandur. Geograf- isk Tidskrift 16: 219—242. Friðriksson, Sturla, 1969: Uppgræðslutilraur. á Tungnaáröræfum. Isl. landbún. 1: 38—44. Hrafnkels saga. Reykjavík. JÓNASSON, Hallgrímur, 1967: Sprengisandur. Arbók Ferðafélagsins: 1 — 191. EiNARSSON, Markús Á., 1970: Veðurfræði. (Fjöl- rit.) Njáls saga. Reykjavík. PÁLSSON, Páll A., 1962: Norður Arnarfellsveg, Fjöll og Austurdal. Hesturinn okkar 3: 30 -36. SteindÓRSSON, Steindór, 1938: Suður fjöll. Nýjar kvöldvökur 31: 1 — 15.


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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