Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1970, Qupperneq 68

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1970, Qupperneq 68
66 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBIJNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR Pottatilraunir þær, sem hér hefur verið rætt um, og erlend tilraunareynsla, sem vitnað er í, virðast benda í þá átt, að al- hliða næring, sem tryggir góðan vöxt, sé jafnframt sú næring, sem tryggir sömu plöntur bezt gegn kali. Hitt er svo annað mál, sem þessar tilraunir gefa ekki tilefni til að ræða, hvort sama næring henti tveim- ur plöntutegundum og hver áhrif samspil áburðar og grastegunda hafi í túnræktinni gagnvart kali. ÞAKKARORÐ Öllum þeim, sem á einn eða annan hátt stuðluðu að framkvæmd tilraunanna, eru færðar þakkir, en sérstaklega þeim Ólafi Birni Hallgrímssyni og Þorvaldi Friðriks- syni, sem unnu að daglegri framkvæmd til- raunanna, og Einari Erlendssyni, umsjón- armanni tilrauna á Korpu, fyrir margvís- lega fyrirgreiðslu. S U M M A R Y FEliTILIZEli APPLICA TION AND WINTER HARDINESS OF PHLEUM PRATENSE Friðrik Pálrnason, Agricultural Research Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland In the year 1968 pot experiments were started in which a compound fertilizer of the grade 22-6-9 (N-P-K) i.g. 22-11-11 (N-P205-K20) was compared to ammo- niumnitrate, triple superphosphate and potassium chloride. Treatment with po- tassium sulphate were included because of the sulphur content of the compound fertilizer, 2.7% S. The soil used was a peat soil from Korpúlfsstadir in the neighbourhood of Reykjavík, SW-Iceland. And the experiment was carried out on the same place. The experiments were 6, but exp. no. 1 and 2 were performed as one experi- ment. (1—2) Increasing amounts of nitrogen at two levels of potassium 50 and 75 kg/ha K. The nitrogen was given in ammoniumnitrate and in the com- pound fertilizer 22-6-9 (N-P-K). (3) Increasing amounts of phosphorous in triple superphosphate and in the compound fertilizer 22-6-9 (N-P-K). (4) Increasing levels of potassium in potassium chloride, potassium sul- phate and in the compound fertilizer 22-6-9. (5) Increasing levels of N-P-K in the ratio 1 : 0.22 : 0.42. The fertilizer compared were ammoniumnitrate -þ triple superphosphate -j- po- tassium chloride and the compound fertilizer 22-6-9. (6) Increasing amounts of nitrogen with basic treatment of potassium sulphate and potassium chloride respectively. Nitrogen applied in ammoniumnitrate and in 22-6-9 was compared. The treatments and tlie results are clscribed in the graphs 1—7 and in the tables 1—6.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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